
Picture of SCP-797.

Item #: SCP-797

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-797 is contained in a standard containment locker at Site-19. Subject is to be kept on display for research purposes only, and must not leave the vicinity of the containment cell. After initial containment procedures, researchers should contact any known SCP objects with similar containment requirements for assistance. Personnel are not to attempt to secure the subject.

Description: SCP-797 is a modified human male, aged 44 and weighing 178 kg. Subject’s left arm has been amputated at the elbow, and his right arm is missing above the elbow. Subject’s right hand is severely deformed, with exposure to anomalous radiation leaving it disfigured. Subject's lower lip has also been removed and replaced with a number of titanium implants mounted around his mouth.

Subject is firmly attached to a life support system consisting of a blood pressure cuff and an artificial heart, with oxygen output monitored by a series of monitors mounted on the wall outside of its containment cell. Although subject is fed through a tube in his stomach, he does not require nourishment for survival; the heart functions as both a food pump and as means of removing waste products from his body.

If the subject is disconnected from the life support system for more than about 3 minutes, he will expire as a result of severe acid burns to his digestive tract caused by hydrochloric acid accumulating in his stomach during the process of disconnection. These burns may extend up to 1 meter in length along the digestive tract; while they do not cause any long-term damage, they are distinctly uncomfortable for the subject.

In addition, SCP-797 appears to be held in some form of stasis; neither x-ray analysis or ultrasound can detect any signs of organs or other bodily functions aside from those necessary for life support systems. Any attempts to reanimate or otherwise interfere with the subject are met with extreme levels of discomfort; additionally, if SCP-797 is disconnected from the life support system or removed from its current home - that is, if it is considered "inanimate" - then subjects attempting to interact with it show nearly complete blindness when attempting to contact it through touch.

Addendum: SCP-797 was recovered following an incident involving the deaths of ██ civilians during a severe thunderstorm in ██████, Australia. The subject's anomalous properties were noted by local police after the storm caused damage to the local power grid, and thus its anomalous nature was confirmed by foundation agents. After initial recovery, subject was kept at a holding facility in ██████ for containment. Subject escaped from this facility in 1999, however, and subsequently arrived at Site-19 for further containment.