
Picture of SCP-798.

Item #: SCP-798

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Protocols for dealing with SCP-798 are still being written, but follow standard containment procedure. Due to the nature of SCP-798 and its effect on the Foundation, Tzimisce research and experimentation is suspended indefinitely.

Description: SCP-798 is a network of tunnels located in the south of Romania, covering at least 2.6km in area. Most of these tunnels are constructed with an adobe brick wall and foundation, but some sections have been hollowed out with various materials like obsidian and limestone, which make them much more durable than regular brick. These tunnels extend parallel to each other underground, and are very difficult to detect due to the colors of the walls, which blend in with their surroundings.

SCP-798 consists of two groups of tunnels that are linked together by a narrow hallway. The first group is mostly made up of corridors made from iron and reinforced concrete, scorched from exposure to temperature when the tunnel was being built. The other group consists of large chambers constructed by pyramids made of volcanic ash. Many SCP-798 tunnels have been converted into bedrooms or laboratories for the Tzimisce , but only the passages linked to the two groups have been used so extensively.

The Tzimisce living in SCP-798 live isolated from the outside world, believing that they are using the tunnels as living quarters within an abandoned mining complex on Earth's moon, which has completely given off oxygen by this point even though none are present in SCP-798 anymore. They enter SCP-798 through entrances specially made for them under their personal chambers at night, and leave SCP-798 during the day while either using transportation provided by SCP-798 itself (which utilizes a modified railway system and active suspension) or by walking through its outer passages (which lead directly to outside).

Addendum: To date, no Tzimisce have come out of SCP-798.

The following is a list of Tzimisce living in SCP-798 as of ██/██/████.