
Picture of SCP-799.

Item #: SCP-799

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-799 is stored in a sealed box, located in Sector-25. A key is held by an agent of the Foundation on each shift. No personnel are permitted to make any notes on SCP-799 without explicit permission from their supervisor.

Description: SCP-799 is a standard black 3.5" x 5" piece of paper, weighing 125g and measuring 5 cm x 7 cm. SCP-799 does not appear to have any writing on it regardless of the method used to write on it. SCP-799 does not display any anomalous behavior when viewed by unfamiliar individuals.

When someone writes on the surface of SCP-799, the text within will typically appear in the region where the writing was made. This effect immediately degrades over time, with writing displayed no more than 2 hours after creation. Further experimentation has shown that writing will remain on the paper for up to 12 hours in total before degrading.

SCP-799 was discovered after the death of Dr ████ ██████████ from severe brucellosis brought about by consuming contaminated raw milk produced by Dr ██████'s dairy farm. After his death, it was discovered that all of the rations consumed by Dr ██████████ had gained sapience and conversed with him prior to his death, telling him at one point "I know why you are here". It was also noted that written letters addressed to Dr ██████████ would be delivered to his family in ████ shortly after they were posted.

Addendum: A full list of all known letters addressed to Dr ██████████, who is presumed to have been the first individual to consume SCP-799.

Letter #1 - Arrived with a postcard reading "Please bring your son back to us."

Letter #2 - Arrived with a postcard reading "We are all proud of you son."

Letter #3 - Arrived with a postcard written by all of the rations contained within, reading "We are here. We love you."

Letter #4 - Arrived in the mail with a letter containing a note reading "You will never be forgotten."