Picture of SCP-802.
Item #: SCP-802
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-802 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-17. Any personnel within the testing area are to be silenced with a handkerchief over their mouths and noses when not engaged in experimentation. The area around SCP-802 is to be sealed off with a solid door and monitored remotely. All persons entering the testing area are to wear eye protection, as well as gloves to prevent contamination from SCP-802.
Personnel involved in testing of SCP-802 are not allowed access to any non-essential equipment; all testing equipment is to be returned to the testing chamber at the conclusion of tests.
Description: SCP-802 is a television set. The only features that do not appear to be working are the power light, the volume and channel buttons, the channel selector knob, and an internal speaker. SCP-802 displays no video of its own. SCP-802 has been observed to display a static image of itself at approximately 60% of the screen.
Predictably, experimentation with SCP-802 has proven very difficult; the device has proven unable to provide human beings with any useful information or entertainment. Direct viewing using most forms of detection equipment (including cameras equipped with infrared sensors) will produce either nothing or what seems to be static noise. It is unknown whether this is a result of the television's anomalous properties, or if it is due to an inherent fault in such devices as infrared detectors. No information on how SCP-802 functions can be gleaned from directly interacting with it.
Addendum: Testing Log
Testing began on 17/06/1984, when a team of researchers was sent to SCP-802's location in order to determine whether or not it was an animate object. While the researchers were attempting to coax information from the television, it was observed that the television was displaying a static image of itself. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the television's volume and channel were both at maximum.
When personnel returned to the testing chamber, they observed that the television's power light had been turned on. Over the course of four days, the television received new channels, but always remained at sixty percent volume. On 24/06/1984, the television was turned off by personnel. It has not been turned on since.
During this time, SCP-802 ceased to display any images of itself. As of 01/02/1985, SCP-802 has begun displaying images of subjects who were not involved in testing at any point during SCP-802's anomalous effects.