Picture of SCP-803.
Item #: SCP-803
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-803 is currently contained at Site-██. It is to be contained in its container at all times, and monitored remotely by the on-site security team. Any personnel attempting to enter the containment chamber with the intention to remove SCP-803 will be intercepted by security.
Security has been updated to prevent damage to the container, and any attempts made to access the interior of the object are to be viewed as hostile action.
Description: SCP-803 is a small wooden box, kept at Site-██. The object appears to have been made for the purpose of storing small items, and does not appear to have been used for any other purpose.
When an item is placed within SCP-803 and then removed, the object will always reappear inside the container. Items placed within SCP-803 will manifest as randomly arranged objects commonly found in a nature reserve. These items appear to be non-anomalous, and do not pose imminent danger to personnel or the environment.
The only method of removal from the container is by destroying the contents of SCP-803. The exact mechanics involved are unclear; however, it is believed that damage to the wooden container itself causes more harm than being removed normally would.
Addendum: During the period of containment, SCP-803 has not appeared to harm any items placed within it. However, it is believed to be capable of affecting the environment, and this is currently in the test phase.
Item #: SCP-849
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The object is to be stored in a secure locker at Site-██. Any personnel working with SCP-849 are to be prevented from exposing themselves to it for extended periods of time.
Description: SCP-849 is an old school science textbook, dating back to the 1950s. When examined, it appears to have been used by ██████ High School in ██████, ██.
When held by a person who has not seen the object before, they will be able to perform mental imagery exercises on its pages. This imagery will occur quite normally until a set point; then the imagery will suddenly become very real, and start causing damage to the person's body.
As soon as this point is reached, the imagery will stop and the book will disappear from their hands. Any attempts made to physically cause damage to the book have proven ineffective. The imagery appears to be extremely realistic and detailed, and seems to avoid any areas that would cause injury or death.