
Picture of SCP-807.

Item #: SCP-807

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All personnel investigating SCP-807 must wear standard formal dress when approaching the area of SCP-807. All other areas of Foundation facilities in the United States have been cordoned off from public access as a precautionary measure. Any unauthorized persons attempting to enter either area of Foundation facilities must be detained or led away without alerting nearby nonhuman sentients.

Description: SCP-807 is a two-kilometer wide area of land located in a remote area of the southwestern United States, approximately 120 kilometers east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. The area is covered with an extremely high density of white pine trees (Pinus albicaulis), commonly known as pinyon pines. Within SCP-807 there is also a transitional zone between SCP-807 and the surrounding desert where sandstone outcroppings and rock formations can be found.

The landscape within SCP-807 contains numerous large stone structures consistent with Mesoamerican architecture and several rows of large stone figures, believed to be sculptures. It is currently unknown how the objects arrived in this location. Human bodies are not present.

If a human being attempts to enter the area of SCP-807 (defined as a person attempting to enter the transitional zone), they will report seeing other humans within the area, whom they characterize as wearing different styles of fur clothing and using technology not yet developed by humans today. These beings will call out to the individual, waving and gesturing towards them, but not approaching closer than 30 meters away at any given time. One group of these entities have been observed attempting to convey images such as those shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 2: The Foundation has established that these images depict complex glyphs and designs which cannot be understood by humans. Attempts to translate them into English result in garbled text or nonsense word strings.

Figure 3: The Foundation has established that these figures represent concepts such as various animals and vegetation, including what appear to be depictions of maize plants, jaguars, and butterfly wings; this recent pattern suggests that "cultures" discovered within SCP-807 may have developed language capable of describing concepts outside the scope of human experience.

Addendum 707-1: SCP-807 was discovered on October 16, 1994 by a Foundation surveying mission utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The mission was sent in response to reports sent in by civilian news agencies of a possible archaeological dig being undertaken near the town of █████████, New Mexico. Upon arrival, the UAVs observed a large number of individuals dressed in furs and carrying what appeared to be large stone carved heads, moving between and around the stone figures. Foundation agents immediately attempted to apprehend the persons and place them under Foundation custody. However, they reported being unable to approach within 30 meters of the area due to a dense fog that prevented further visual contact with the ground.

The subjects were seen carrying rectangular wooden boxes in which they placed various tools, tools that appeared not to be used for their intended purpose and were believed to be tools for carving or painting. They then proceeded to place the objects within the transition zone, creating two distinct areas (labeled SCP-807-1A and SCP-807-1B) that were surrounded by a short wall of stones. There were no signs of forced entry into these areas.

Attempts to interview the subjects were unsuccessful due to reports of their violent resistance and attempts to kill any person within 30 meters of SCP-807. On October 19th, 1994, all subjects fled SCP-807 and have not been seen since.