
Picture of SCP-810.

Item #: SCP-810

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-810 is to be kept in a storage locker, to prevent access by unauthorized personnel. At no time should it be brought outside of the facility; any individuals found to have done so are to be detained and questioned regarding their activities. SCP-810 has been rated as single-mode, meaning it is safe to handle at all times.

Employees who have been exposed to SCP-810 (including those exposed inside out) are required to submit a handwritten log concerning their exposure and health for two weeks after exposure. The logs are to be submitted quarterly. Additionally, all affected employees are required to attend therapy sessions with a psychiatrist following their release from Foundation custody.

Description: SCP-810 resembles a sepia-toned photograph. Its front face appears to be worn and dented, while the back and sides appear to have several small tears on the edges, especially on the left side. SCP-810's surface is mildly acidic when tested in solution, though no defined rate of increase is known. The frontal portion of SCP-810 appears to comprise an image of a [REDACTED] person (see Addendum 810-1).

SCP-810's anomalous properties only take effect when one views it with their bare eyes, or through a pair of stereoscopic 3D glasses. When viewed through any other types of optical devices, 438.9°F (205°C) is seen as a picture of some type of [REDACTED]. This effect does not occur in normal conditions.

Teaching personnel are required to bring opaque sunglasses for use when teaching students about SCP-810.

Addendum 810-1: Interview Log

Interviewed: SCP-810-1

Interviewer: Dr. Koji Yamato, Senior Researcher

Foreword: The interview was conducted on the condition that SCP-810-1 would be given an amnestic before the interview began. During the interview, SCP-810-1 was exposed to a picture of SCP-810 via optical device.

Dr. Yamato: Hello, Mr. █████. You feel well today?

SCP-810-1: Yeah, sure do. They gave me the shot for my rheumatism. I'm feeling much better now that I've got that out of my system.

Dr. Yamato: Can you tell me what it was like to see your own photograph?

SCP-810-1: (Silence)

Dr. Yamato: You don't have to talk if you don't want to, Mr. █████. Just thinking aloud is all; we're all friends here.

SCP-810-1: It's just…I don't know how to describe it. It's like looking at someone who's completely…I don't know, sort of deformed and ugly, but at the same time, they're beautiful and special to me somehow. It's a very confusing feeling, but one I never really got used to.

Dr. Yamato: I see. That's quite a statement coming from you, Mr. █████. You've had a rough life, haven't you?

SCP-810-1: (Pause) Yeah…I'm not really proud of some of the things I've done, but this is my life now, and there's no going back for me. Not really any other choice for me, anyway.

Dr. Yamato: What sort of things did you do? As in illegal activities?

SCP-810-1: I…I killed someone once, actually. It was pretty gruesome though – I think they were already dead when I did it, so it was just cruelty more than anything else… (a pause) But yeah…various stuff like that – beatings, robbery…and prostitution – that's more common than you'd think, too. I mean, the money was good and it was easy money, but it wasn't worth it in the end because the thought of taking someone's life always bothered me afterwards… (a pause) And I guess that's why I joined up with the Foundation in the first place – to escape all of that shit. To get away from myself and start over again somewhere new…

Dr. Yamato: That sounds like an interesting story, Mr. █████. Thank you for sharing it with us today; we appreciate your time and effort very much in helping us make this world a better place for everyone within it! And about your health – how have you been feeling since we last spoke?

SCP-810-1: Actually, I've been feeling sick for the last couple of days – my body's rejecting the shots they gave me for my rheumatism. It's probably nothing serious though – I'll just go to see a doctor tomorrow and get it checked out then!

Dr. Yamato: Great! Well we'd better wrap this up soon; I'd hate for you to miss your appointment if your illness keeps you up at night! We'll talk again soon!

Closing Statement: Interview SCP-810-1 revealed no additional information regarding SCP-810 or its anomalous properties.