Picture of SCP-812.
Item #: SCP-812
Object Class: SCP-812
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-812 is to be contained in a steel reinforced case within a standard Safe-class Secure Containment Unit. The case must be stored at least twenty (20) meters below the surface of the earth, and may not be removed from its location without Level 4 clearance.
SCP-812 should be inspected every 30 days for damage; if any are found, SCP-812 should be removed from the containment chamber and brought before Dr. Bright for inspection. In addition, SCP-812 should be inspected monthly for rust, as well as examined in the event of breakage or discharge of harmful effects.
Description: SCP-812 appears to be a length of metal tubing, approximately 5.6 meters long and 0.75 inches in diameter. SCP-812 is greenish in color and does not possess any markings or writing. SCP-812's anomalous effects manifest when it is worn and held by a human.
When worn on the person, SCP-812 acts as a battle ax, capable of inflicting blunt force trauma on most organic creatures and easily piercing through most nonmetallic objects. SCP-812 is capable of cutting through solid steel with ease, although the blade is worn down by time and use.
SCP-812's anomalous effects are not entirely lethal; instead, a burst of aerosolized high pressure gas will abruptly rupture an appendage of the victim upon impact. Victims typically lose one or more limbs at this point, but die from severe blood loss within minutes unless otherwise restrained. Autopsies reveal that the gas is composed primarily of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen, although traces of other gases also appear to be present in high concentrations.
While SCP-812 can inflict life threatening injuries against certain individuals and animals, it is mostly harmless to humans or other sapient beings. Despite this, SCP-812's effects have been known to kill or maim several individuals every year due to overconfidence and/or lack of preparation; this has lead to the legend that SCP-812 can "warp" people's minds.
Addendum 812.1: SCP-812 was recovered from a local dumpster in ██████, Florida on [DATA EXPUNGED] upon the discovery of the remains of two teenagers. Autopsies revealed that both were missing limbs below the elbow due to SCP-812's anomalous effects, although they did not bleed internally. It is believed that they were attempting to use SCP-812 as a weapon when they were killed by the gas blast.