
Picture of SCP-816.

Item #: SCP-816

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-816 is to be held in a storage locker at Site One when not being used. Four (4) security officers are to be stationed armed with automatic weapons in the lobby of the site 24/7. Any civilian or Foundation personnel entering or exiting this area is to undergo scrutiny by on-site security and undergo a search for SCP-816.

All wandering civilians found to be holding SCP-816 are to be detained as if they were carrying a firearm and brought directly to the nearest security post, where they will be interviewed and searched again. When inactive and not being used by a test subject, SCP-816 is to be kept away from all other objects in facility storage that are classified as high risk, such as those weapons dealing with anomalous materials.

Description: SCP-816 appears to be a square of concrete, measuring 6.25m on each side and 1.5m thick at its base, with a square hole in the center approximately 2cm deep. The object was dropped off the back of a crane some time ago, but due to SCP-816's extreme unusual properties it was never recovered. After research was reinstated and SCP-816 was discovered, security personnel from Site One attempted to dispose of it using standard containment procedures.

Any person who touches SCP-816 with non-anomalous hands will begin experiencing intense nausea. Any attempts to dislodge these hands will result in them being unable to move for up to ten seconds after leaving the item behind. Despite this, SCP-816 does not seem very heavy or pose any hindrance when held by non-anomalous hands.

When in the possession of an anomalous individual, SCP-816 will begin showing light patterns inside it. These patterns are also projected onto any clothing worn by subjects holding SCP-816, and appear as a cross between a neon sign and fractals that change speed depending on how much they are moved around while still gripped by them.

SCP-816 was discovered during an experiment carried out by Researcher Smith and Dr. Belden on the 57th day after an initial containment breach by Agent ████████ ████████████ involving the use of relatively large amounts of firearms powder. The pair had been planning to test the effects of multiple firearms outside a Foundation facility when they were ambushed by three armed men wearing gas masks who quickly missed their shots before throwing flashbang grenades which prevented Researcher Smith from successfully tracking down the source of gunfire he heard earlier in his experiment.

As Researcher Smith dashed towards Site One's emergency exits, he noticed several flashes from its roof which seemed to come from nowhere and followed one user producing a handgun from under his coat before moving away from him twice as fast as he had been running previously before blacking out despite his best efforts to keep up with the pattern that appeared on his shirt whenever he moved or jumped over obstacles.

Addendum-816-A: The following is a transcript of the audio files recovered from Researcher Smith's memory during the incident.

Researcher Smith: SCP-816! SCP-816! SCP-816! We need to get out of here!

[Researcher Smith continues running into Site One's emergency exits.]

Researcher Smith: SCP-816! SCP-816! SCP-816!

Door shuts behind him as he reaches it.

Researcher Smith: AUGH!

[Researcher Smith backs up and attempts to open door again.]

Researcher Smith: Shit!

Door opens.

Researcher Smith: Don't shoot at me! I have a flash light! I have a flash light!

[Researcher Smith is shot in the shoulder.]

Researcher Smith: Augh… What did you shoot me with? That's not a bullet; it's too small. It felt like glass or something. What was that?

[The sound of gunfire can be heard for about 5 seconds as Researcher Smith falls to the ground.]

SCP-816 was found on the floor of Site One after the incident. As Researcher Smith had failed to move away from the area where the flashbang grenades were thrown, it is presumed he was killed by one of them. The object was recovered shortly afterwards. After the event, Dr. Belden developed cold feet and abandoned any further experiments involving SCP-816, leading to its classification as Safe in accordance with Procedure Pending.