Picture of SCP-817.
Item #: SCP-817
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-817 is stored in a standard containment locker at Site 19.
Description: SCP-817 are small, white balls of powder. SCP-817 is inert unless it is placed in water or combined with a chemical agent.
In the presence of water or a preferred reaction partner, SCP-817 will change color to match the water's pH. This process can take from three hours to 24 hours, depending on the desired color(s) and saturation.
SCP-817 is capable of reacting with organic compounds and changing color, though this process is only able to effect temporary changes in color rather than permanent alterations. If a compound does not react with SCP-817, it will remain unchanged.
Chemical reactions caused by SCP-817 fall under (DATA EXPUNGED).
Addendum 817-1: Incident 817-A
On 09/08/2012, SCP-817 was discovered in the possession of a local ██████ police officer. The officer claimed that he had taken "a few for [himself]" from his petty cash fund.
SCP-817 was confiscated and held in Site 19\'s inventory until its anomalous properties became apparent.
Incident 817-A: When SCP-817 was brought into contact with the water in a containment tank, it changed color to match the pH. When the same water was added to a test tube containing bleach, SCP-817 again changed color to match the pH. Water with a pH of 1 (pure water) has not been shown to react with SCP-817.
After an attempt to dissolve SCP-817 in bleach was found to be unsuccessful, SCP-817 was placed in a small aquarium tank containing only water and bleach. At this point, SCP-817\'s reaction to chemical agents ceased.