Picture of SCP-818.
Item #: SCP-818
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-818 is to be held in a sealed chamber at Site-15, outside of all regular containment procedures. Remote monitoring devices are to be installed around SCP-818 at all times.
SCP-818 is to be fed once every five days via feeding tube, with the feeding tube being replaced every two days in order to keep the object from growing any further. The feeding tube is to be cleaned and replaced after each meal.
It is recommended that SCP-818 be fed a small amount of blood serum each week in order to avoid overexertion of the digestive system. In addition, SCP-818 is also to receive basic maintenance treatments once a week.
Description: SCP-818 is a humanoid organism weighing in at [DATA EXPUNGED], proportioned to resemble the human form. SCP-818 possesses no internal organs, including a digestive system. Instead, SCP-818 stores glucose and other nutrients in its body cavities and serves as an advanced food storage unit.
SCP-818 is composed of a number of 'skins', each covering different organs and appendages. These skins are designed to resemble cut sections of various fruits and vegetables, while also having various metallic components.
When not fed or otherwise pressed, SCP-818 will maintain its base shape, however the skinned fruit and vegetable appearances will vary greatly based on the mood and dietary aspects of the entity.
Below are some examples of the fleshly forms SCP-818 takes:
Diet: Fruit Mango Peach Watermelon Tomato Pineapple Orange (Before being separated from its digestion system)
Mood: Carefree Energetic Hungry Angry Sadstonished Excited Constantly Woesome Always Hazy Bewildered Vaguely Unfamiliar Curious Aloof Assertive Disinterested Annoyed
Wishes: A pineapple that can produce more fruit so it never has too much to eat. Human flesh for protein so it never has to eat again. The sunlight to stop being kept alive by crude artificial methods.
Addendum 818-A: Interview Log 818-1
On ██/██/████, a team of personnel was sent to interview SCP-818. The following log is a transcript of the interview.
Interviewer: Dr. G███
Interviewee: SCP-818-01
Greetings. My name is Dr. G███. I'm here to ask you some questions about your current situation and your life as a whole.
SCP-818-01: Why are you so interested in my life?
G: I'm sorry, that's the first thing I wanted to know. Why are you interested in our lives?
SCP-818-01: Why not? We're not allowed to do anything. You're here to keep us alive, so why not? I'm interest in knowing what makes you happy. What do you do when you're not keeping us alive?
G: You're right, we are here to keep you alive, but it's also to keep your minds healthy, and I think that's very important because our minds are what make us human.
SCP-818-01: So what does that have to do with me? Still no answer for me. But fine, what do you do when you're not keeping us alive?
G: Well, I guess that's a hard question, but I don't understand why you would want to know what I do when I'm not keeping you alive. It sounds like a downer question.
SCP-818-01: Umm… It's just something that interests me. I mean, humans have all these great things going on in their brains, like art, science and games and stuff, but we don't get to do any of them because we're stuck in this place where we can only eat whatever they give us. And we don't even get to choose what they give us! We just get whatever they want us to eat! That doesn't sound very fair at all! So yeah, I want to know what you do when you're not fed by them.
G: Er… So how does all of this relate to me then?
SCP-818-01: Well… I'm sorry if I'm being annoying or anything, but it doesn't sound like a very fun place. If you could choose what you eat and what your mind does, would that be more fun than the way things are now? And if it was, would you want something different for yourself?
G: Yeah, that's an interesting question… But seriously though, I've never really thought about it like that before. Let me ask something else first then. How are you able to stay alive without a stomach or a digestive system? Don't you think it would be kind of uncomfortable without one? If there's nothing inside your stomach, how do you absorb nutrients in your body?
SCP-818-01: Oh, that's actually not a very good question to ask. It's none of your business! I can take care of myself! You need to just leave me alone!
G: Okay… Sorry… But could you at least answer one more question for me first? What do you think happens after death?
SCP-818-01: Ugh… What does it matter what happens after death anyway? Besides, nobody really knows. But yeah, after death, I think everybody goes into a big black room with lots of computers and stuff and they get a choice between going somewhere else or staying here forever.
G: So if you stay there forever in that big black room and they give you choices again – would you want to go somewhere else?
SCP-818-01: … Sure… Why not? That sounds nice… But wait! Wait! You never answered my other question! What do humans do when they're not eating? Do they play games or something like that? And why can't we have those choices too? Can't we just be human like all the other animals out there? Then maybe we wouldn't be here anymore!
G: … Well… That's actually another good question… To answer your second question first – yes, people play games. People also love art and science and reading books and making music and all those things that are usually considered 'human hobbies'. This is called 'civilization', and it's something that humans have been able to achieve over time through the development of technology. It also explains why most humans have no cultural or traditional practices based on religion or tradition – because religion and tradition are often developed by the same technological advancements that make modern civilization possible in the first place. This is also why most humans live in cities – large populations allow for economic growth and social advancement through trades and commerce. Just like P████'s fruit farm – he makes sure that his people live well by providing them with all the resources they need to thrive as productive members of society. This is called 'civilization' – a way of living which allows humans to live long lives with meaningful experiences while still being able to get along with one another peacefully and peacefully coexisting with other species. Now on your question – the reason we can't have those choices is because human civilization has already been set up by thousands of years of evolution – everyone has their own specific area of expertise which society depends on them for in order for society as a whole to function properly. This is called 'coordination' – the ability for different parts of society (such as farmers growing crops for food) to work together as one cohesive unit under the correct circumstances (such as during a famine). Some groups (such as scientists looking for cures for diseases) require more coordination than others (such as farmers growing crops for food), which is why each group has specialized roles within society that allow them to work together effectively within their own areas of expertise.