
Picture of SCP-820.

Item #: SCP-820

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-820 is contained in a standard containment locker in Site-77. SCP-820 requires an hourly feeding of raw meat and must be brought to the Site's observation ward for its meal.

Description: SCP-820 is a humanoid entity, weighing between 75 and 100 kg. SCP-820 appears to be composed of artificial skin, with the exception of its lower jaw, throat, chest and stomach. On the top of its head, SCP-820 wears a human skull cap that conceals an array of wiring and tubing. SCP-820's hands are composed of various household objects (see below), while its feet are completely composed of plastic.

SCP-820's face resembles a male human adult's in physical appearance; however, it does not show any signs of aging. Its face is covered in crude tattoos of hair and body parts, some resembling the facial structure commonly associated with humans who are afflicted with alopecia. The subject claims this ink to be a form of self-harm or "abstinence" as a result of mental trauma.

At any given time, SCP-820 has been observed to have at least four human subjects living within it. These human subjects are typically unaware that they are living within the entity and believe themselves to be its offspring. None of the subjects present themselves as being older than 33 years old upon admission; however, upon further testing, it has been found that they actually possess the biological age they were when they entered into SCP-820.

This is due to a mysterious process whereby all food consumed by these humans are immediately converted into additional flesh and bone. This process continues until the subject's body reaches critical mass (a figure determined by Foundation personnel) and is then ejected from SCP-820's organism through its legs. If left in its enclosure for 23 hours without food or water, the subject will eventually succumb to dehydration due to the inefficient conversion process mentioned above.

Foundation personnel interacting with SCP-820 report unique "distinctions" from other humans; these include:

To date, no other instances of SCP-820 have been discovered within global records dating back several thousand years.

Addendum 820.1: On ██/██/████, a subject currently residing within SCP-820 was discovered to have been missing for several days. In the subject's room at Site-77, Foundation agents recovered a note from the subject; it read as follows:

Dear Mr. Miser,

I'm sorry I've been gone forever. But I'm just fine. I'm back now.

It's been nice to see you again.

You're a good dad.


Subject 821