Picture of SCP-821.
Item #: SCP-821
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-821 is to be contained at a HMC facility in a temperature controlled, server-free environment. Access to SCP-821 requires written permission of the current Head of Department. The area containing SCP-821 is to be guarded by two security personnel with Class D clearance or above. In the event that something exits SCP-821 while an instance of SCP-821-1 is still inside, said object is to be removed and stored in the same manner as instances of SCP-821-1.
Any unauthorised persons attempting to enter SCP-821 are to be detained by Security until a D-class personnel has disengaged from SCP-821. At no point may any D-class personnel attempt to become physically connected to SCP-821 or instances of SCP-821-1. All efforts are to be made in separating said D-class from their bodies as quickly as possible.
No personnel are to ever stand within one hundred meters of SCP-821. If a personnel who has not been briefed by their supervisor attempts to do so, they are to be detained for psychiatric evaluation. All interactions between staff who have not been fully briefed on SCP-821 must be recorded and reviewed by all current members of the HMC, including the Director of Site ████.
Description: SCP-821 is a server module, manufactured by █████ ████ in 1994. The purpose of the manufacturing company’s website at that time was to allow users to transfer their computing equipment from one location to another.
Any object which has been physically connected to a computing device and has been active for more than thirty seconds will be transferred into SCP-821 if any part of said object is within three hundred meters of SCP-821. These objects are designated instances of SCP-821-1.
Instances of SCP-821-1 gain sentience after thirty seconds and will attempt to exit SCP-821 through any available duct openings. If an instance of SCP-821-1 exits, it will continue until it reaches a populated area or a covered structure. A thin layer of transparent substance, referred to as “SCP-821-2”, will form upon contact with air and solidify in the presence of blood and oxygen. Manifestations of SCP-821-2 are malleable and can be shaped into weapons, tools, or other similar tools to aid in escape.
All instances of SCP-821-1 know about each other and do not appear afraid of each other. In addition, all instances know how to speak English and have since being “evicted” from their original homes.
Instances of SCP-821-1 may not enter their original homes unless they are able to move around freely and the inhabitants are not conscious. Instances were observed attempting to capture those asleep at home before moving into the house undetected.
Addendum: SCP-821 was discovered after a raid on a Foundation-controlled HMC facility. The facility had been infiltrated by a group of D-class personnel and had been used to contain SCP-████, SCP-███ and SCP-████. Upon searching the facility, live instances of SCP-821-1 were found in the server room. A full containment breach was initiated upon discovery. Site ████ was compromised as part of the containment breach, but all personnel involved were successfully rescued before the site was destroyed.
Following the incident, a number of anomalies were discovered within Site ████’s holding cells. All were contained, with the exception of one which was identified as SCP-████. SCP-821 and its anomalous properties are believed to be related to it.