
Picture of SCP-823.

Item #: SCP-823

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The object is to be kept in a standard secure containment cell at Site-██, which must be kept at least 15 cm off the ground. A completely sealed chamber of water at least 20 centimetres deep must be available for the safekeeping of the object when not being tested. Testing is to be conducted once per week by D-class personnel under the supervision of at least two Site security staff.

Description: SCP-823 is a double-leafed 5.5 cm x 3.5 cm black-and-white book with a title written in English, Jay-Mar Codex. The text within the book depicts an image of what appears to be a human hand holding a stylus, accompanied by the words:

"This part is for the work that you do best. It will help guide your footsteps, as well as protect and guide you on a long journey."

The inside back cover contains several handwritten notes which appear to be ancient Maya glyphs, but which are unintelligible to all Foundation linguists.

SCP-823 was recovered from the ████████ dig site during the ██/██/19██ expedition, after reports of an anomalous artifact being unearthed reached Site-██. Of note is the fact that only one item was recovered from the dig site; no additional traces of SCP-823 were found in any other dig sites or locations within a radius of 3km.

When SCP-823 is taken out of containment, it will engage in communication with an individual who has been designated as a "target," attempting to force them to read aloud its contents through manifesting hostile entities or other natural phenomenon affecting the target's health, mental state or senses. Should the subject attempt to stop reading, or otherwise ignore its instructions, SCP-823 will attempt to physically harm them, either through subjecting them to extreme weather conditions or causing a nearby object to fall directly upon them. Test Log -823

As long as SCP-823 remains contained in its standard cell, it will not attempt to attack anyone who interacts with the object inside of the cell. Extremely cold weather conditions will cause SCP-823 to abruptly cease communicating with anyone who enters its containment chamber for up to 4 hours at a time; this effect can be negated if D-class personnel are present in the vicinity (see Addendum 823). It is unknown whether cold temperatures have any effect on SCP-823's effects on an individual when they remain outside of its containment chamber.

Addendum 823

SCP-823 is to be contained in its standard cell for testing purposes only. All potentially harmful effects of SCP-823 should be avoided during testing.

Test 823-1

D-99693 is instructed to read from SCP-823. D-99693 states that they cannot hear the book, and attempts to grab the book out of the hands of the researcher. The researcher then places the book in a steel box of neutral temperature and humidity in order to prevent further damage to D-99693\'s hearing.

No anomalous effects occur.

Test 823-2

D-96778 is instructed to read from SCP-823. D-96778 states that they cannot hear the book, but attempts to grab it anyway. After a few moments, D-96778 begins to draw a coherent image of an unknown object within the text of SCP-823, with the following text appearing below it:

"You are doing well, my son. Continue."

No further anomalous effects occur.

Test 823-3

D-96778 is instructed to read from SCP-823. D-96778 begins to read aloud, but begins uncontrollably laughing. After several minutes, D-96778 begins to display signs of severe distress as a result of their laughter, requiring sedation and treatment by medical staff. D-96778 later reports feeling as if something is "falling on [their] back," and that their vision is blurred and distorted.