Picture of SCP-825.
Item #: SCP-825
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-825 is to be contained in an enclosure of 1 m x 1 m. The enclosure is to be padded with reinforced concrete, and lined with lead for temperature control. This enclosure is to be connected to a standard atmosphere-controlled airlock by a series of airlocks, which are to be guarded by two (2) armed guards on rotation.
At all times, one (1) armed guard is stationed outside SCP-825's containment enclosure. One (1) guard is to stand watch at all times within SCP-825's containment enclosure. As SCP-825 only seems to appear when the ambient air pressure is below 0.001 tear, this will not pose an undue threat.
In an effort to prevent any mishaps that could result in accidental exposure of SCP-825 to higher environmental pressures, all personnel attempting to enter or exit SCP-825's chamber are required to wear full-body pressure suits and navigate using gravitation plates.
No personnel are allowed access beyond the security perimeter outside the containment area. No member of the public is allowed access past this perimeter without clearance from the Chief Security Officer. Anyone found breaking this rule will have their entry and exit permits revoked immediately, and will be administered Class C amnestics as soon as practicable. All entrances into the containment area should be guarded by remote cameras and monitored on a continuous basis in case of unexpected activity inside the chamber.
Description: SCP-825 is a weather balloon of a type normally used during the nineteenth century, which has been modified to include a large basket attached to a rope measuring 1.7 m long with a metal ring in the middle. When released from the ground and at an altitude of less than five (5) meters, SCP-825 will float aimlessly for several minutes before starting its descent. At some point during this descent, SCP-825 will begin to emit audible sounds composed of varying motifs, including "Merry Christmas" and the day's date.
SCP-825's entrance and exit are located directly underneath it. In the case of open ground or an area lacking obstacles, SCP-825 will drop straight down through the ground until it reaches sufficiently low air pressure to activate its parachute. This parachute will pull SCP-825 down to the ground without ever opening. An outcropping of ice at five (5) meters below the surface of the earth has been found to be where SCP-825 lands, usually with little more than a small depression in its surface.
The interior is empty other than for a rope ladder hanging from one side. A skilled team could have ascended using this ladder within thirty (30) minutes (with the use of power tools), but no such attempt has yet been made due to security concerns.
SCP-825's anomalous effects only occur when pressure below 0.001 tear exists in its vicinity. The date will vary between different days depending on when pressure was measured during its flight as it is based on atmospheric pressure as measured by weather balloons of the same type at that time (see experiment log). If SCP-825 remains within range of high lunar gravity and within half a meter of any solid surface, it will rapidly lose mass until all traces of wind or air are removed from it, effectively causing its disappearance.
Experiment Log 825-A
Date: ██/██/██
Subject: D-821
Procedure: Subject is removed from containment area, and allowed to enter SCP-825. D-821 is instructed to climb the rope ladder as fast as possible.
Results: D-821 ascended the ladder in approximately four (4) minutes. When he reached a height of approximately 21\xa0m, he began to descend the ladder, but stopped at a height of approximately 24\xa0m, where the descent stopped abruptly. No further ascent was possible, but no further descent was observed until D-821 was removed from SCP-825.
Date: ██/██/██
Subject: D-821
Procedure: D-821 is instructed to reenter SCP-825. When he reaches the bottom of SCP-825, he is to ascend the rope ladder - this time ascending it as fast as possible. In addition, D-821 is instructed to remove his helmet and gloves before entering SCP-825, and to leave his boots on.
Results: D-821 ascended the ladder in approximately fifteen (15) seconds, and when he reached a height of approximately twenty (20) meters, he began to ascend the ladder again at an accelerated rate. He reached a height of approximately thirty (30) meters before reaching the top of SCP-825. At this point, D-821 removed his helmet and gloves, but continued to wear his boots throughout his ascent. At approximately forty (40) meters, D-821 used a handhold on the side of SCP-825 for support and began moving towards it at an increased rate of speed. D-821 reached SCP-825 at approximately fifty (50) meters before collapsing onto its surface and lying motionless for two hours before being removed from SCP-825. D-821 did not appear dizzy from rapid ascent despite wearing full SCUBA gear.