Picture of SCP-832.
Item #: SCP-832
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-832 is to be kept in a standard containment chamber loaded with standard donor material, administered by standard medical staff. However, personnel are allowed to enter the chamber and interact with SCP-832 as they wish. Personnel may ask questions of the organism, but are not permitted to touch the subject matter of SCP-832's thoughts.
Subject-2 (the original subject) is currently residing at Site-19, where it has been connected to standard Foundation means of attention from mental health professionals.
Description: SCP-832 is a neuron (nerve cell), the epithelium of which has been implanted in a human subject. The subject appears to be a female, aged twenty four, Caucasian, with brown hair. The implantation is not visible externally to the subject.
When instances of SCP-832's thought pattern are analyzed, they are found to be consistent with normal human thought processes; however, the 'neuron' functionality is found to alter from thought to thought in varying amounts. As an example, any subject who thinks of nothing for a period longer than the average pause between neural firings will experience the case of SCP-832 spontaneously manifesting in the flesh. The individual will experience pain and agony until [DATA EXPUNGED]. In this sense, SCP-832 is not anomalous in that its effect can be replicated through other means for experimentation.
SCP-832 is capable of discharging itself outside of its host when it thinks about something that causes it to not feel anything in particular. For instance, if the subject has no friends or family members, and tries to think of something that could cause them happiness (but has no idea what is), SCP-832 will discharge itself into some form of human being. Likewise, if the subject thinks about an unpleasant memory while they are asleep (while not dreaming), SCP-832 will discharge themselves into some form of animal or plant organism while they sleep.
SCP-832 was first charged with testing on December 19th 1999 by Researcher Joubert of Site-19 who thought about nothing else for thirty six hours. Subject 1 was subsequently terminated by SCP-832's effect on December 28th 1999 (after three days). However, the suicide attempt was unsuccessful as SCP-832 had discharged itself into the tissues surrounding their spine and severed spinal cord. Subject 1 expired from internal hemorrhaging two days later.
Interviewed: Subject 2
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Dr. ██████ enters the interview chamber. The subject is sitting in a chair, looking at the wall.
Dr. ██████: Good morning, Subject 2. I have some questions for you regarding our results with SCP-832.
Subject 2: Yes, what about them?
Dr. ██████: Do you know why you cannot feel anything?
Subject 2: Because I'm dead.
Dr. ██████: I do not understand. Have you ever felt depressed or upset before today?
Subject 2: Yes… I mean, yes, I have. But I haven't been alive for a long time and I don't think it's fair that you can't feel anything because your family died or something like that.
Dr. ██████: You seem to be making an argument that our tests are unfair. Is this correct?
Subject 2: Yes…
Dr. ██████: What would you say if we told you that the neurons within you were capable of feeling again?
Subject 2: …I'd say 'why'.