Picture of SCP-834.
Item #: SCP-834
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-834 is to be kept in a standard containment unit with a well-oiled unicorn horn surrounded by banana peels. SCP-834 is to be given an amount of fresh, non-organic water at least once per week. Personnel are free to give SCP-834 affection on the side of its head as they see fit.
Description: SCP-834 is an instance of a female adult Kapsulosin (a type of large-breed forest unicorns) measuring 1.98 m (6 ft) in height, weighing 179.06 kilograms (390 lbs). SCP-834 is covered in a coloration of purple and has long blonde hair.
When given affection by human staff members, SCP-834's horn becomes extremely active and will begin to vibrate rapidly. This is believed to be an expression of joy.
SCP-834 does not seem to age, although its appearance does seem to change subtly over time. For example, the horns' coloration will change from purple to orange, blue, and then green before returning to purple.
Due to the fact that SCP-834 primarily resides on or near the grounds of Site-██, as well as the fact that SCP-834 is primarily self-aware within both it and Site-██, no containment procedures are necessary beyond standard protocols regarding testing on sapient life forms.
During tests with personnel, SCP-834 has attempted to be affectionate with staff by forceful but nonviolent means such as growling or nuzzling. However, this attempt has been unsuccessful due to the fact that personnel are unable to feel or receive pleasure from SCP-834's affection. Thus far there have been no recorded attempts by SCP-834 at being affectionate towards other objects.
Addendum 834.1: SCP-834 was originally discovered in a forest located outside of █████, ██ after reports came in from Foundation agents about a large number of unicorn sightings. Upon investigation, it was discovered that SCP-834 had been visiting the area for several days with an unknown substance covering its horn. The animal had been using this to attract people to its location. The substance has since been identified as SCP-834's own saliva. SCP-834 is currently under the care of the Foundation and has been reclassified as Safe upon the conclusion of its containment procedures.