
Picture of SCP-835.

Item #: SCP-835

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-835 is to be kept in a standard Safe object locker at Site-77. Testing of SCP-835 requires the approval of at least two (2) Level 3 personnel assigned as test subjects, and is to be performed at least once per week.

Description: SCP-835 is a set of three (3) pairs of headphones, each pair manufactured by and branded with one of the following companies: Bang & Olufsen International Inc. [B&OI], Sennheiser Electronic Corporation [SBC], and Sony Corporation of America [(SCEA).] SCP-835 is a standard 3.5mm jack plug, and contains no additional components.

When SCP-835 is plugged into any audio device, it will output the desired frequency at a rate proportional to the level of audio present in the device. The headphones themselves operate normally, and only change when they are used with an audio device that doesn't support the intended frequency; unmodified B&OI headphones can be used to play music on conventional stereo systems, but will not produce anything but noise when used with those systems.

SCP-835's anomalous effect occurs when multiple instances are plugged into the same audio product, such as a portable stereo system or a home theater system. Each instance of SCP-835 will transmit simultaneously at the intended frequencies, producing harmonics and other interference that can confound most listeners' perceptions both audibly and visually. Extended exposure may induce acute hearing loss, euphoria, or even hallucinations similar to those caused by narcotics or hallucinogens; prolonged exposure has been known to cause nausea, vomiting, migraines, vertigo, and even heart attacks in some individuals. These effects can be reduced if each instance of SCP-35 is adjusted separately so that every listener only receives one broadcast at a time.

Both B&OI headphones and SBC headphones have been shown capable of transmitting multiple distinct sounds simultaneously through this process; however, while SCEA headphones do not possess this capacity alone, they are capable of distinguishing between different frequencies transmitted simultaneously from other pairs of SCP-835 instances.

As of 09/19/2349, no known way has ever been devised to reproduce the range of frequencies available through SCP-835 instances except for through use by instances connected to an audio device. Each instance is also equipped with a small LED display monitor indicating the frequency currently broadcasting from it; note that these displays have proven difficult to read without prior training in measuring frequencies.

Addendum 835-1: Testing Log

Testing of SCP-835 was performed on 09/19/2349, mainly to make sure it would even work. It did, and the audio output was very impressive in quality. Testing continued on a weekly basis until 04/08/2350; while the effects were very impressive, they proved to be rather difficult to control, and caused some minor incidents with personnel. Testing was suspended in light of these events, but resumed again on 05/22/2350.

Testing of SCP-835 is currently ongoing.