
Picture of SCP-84.

Item #: SCP-84

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-84 is to be kept in a secure building. Personnel entering SCP-84 are to wear an approved animal containment vest and have their handler zip tie the main zipper closed. No personnel are allowed inside to trade or discard any items used while within SCP-84.

Description: SCP-84 is a large, cylindrical container with the words “The Science of Dog Behaviour” written on it in black marker. SCP-84 has been known to sway slightly in the center to simulate movement, and any exposed surfaces have been known to change colour as well.

When an organism (including itself) enters SCP-84, it will attempt to exit the container, by all means available. Methods of exit vary (see Addendum 1), but are either very ineffective or dangerous for the subject.

Subjects that have been contained inside SCP-84 for extended periods of time have experienced severe weight loss, hair loss, and discolouration of the skin. This is believed to be due to lack of oxygen, because the entrance is sealed with no significant air current or leaks.

Addendum 1:

The following is a list of methods of exit, as listed on the inside of SCP-84. Most objects do not last long enough to attempt these, but the following chart is a record of all objects tested.

Item Result

A large mallet and screwdriver. Subject successfully exited SCP-84 and displayed no anomalous properties for two hours. Object was recovered and returned to containment.

A 2\xa0kg barbell. Subject successfully exited SCP-84 and displayed no anomalous properties for two minutes. Object was recovered and returned to containment.

A 2\xa0kg dumbbell. Subject successfully exited SCP-84 and displayed no anomalous properties for two seconds. Object was recovered and returned to containment.

A small, 2\xa0cmx1\xa0cm piece of cloth. Subject successfully exited SCP-84, but did not exhibit any anomalous properties for two hours. Object was recovered and returned to containment.

A large piece of cardboard, in the shape of a dog. Subject successfully exited SCP-84, but did not exhibit any anomalous properties for approximately 67 hours. Object was recovered and returned to containment.