Picture of SCP-844.
Item #: SCP-844
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-844 is to be contained in a Secure Containment Locker at Site 12. When not being kept in its containment locker, SCP-844 is to be stored in a locked steel box with a lid that locks from the inside. To prevent unauthorized access to the containment unit, SCP-844’s container is to be fitted with a motion sensor and guarded by at least two armed guards. If SCP-844 becomes active, it may be repositioned and one guard must immediately notify at least three more guards in the vicinity, who are to restrain the object until it comes into an inactive state.
Description: SCP-844 is a steel bag containing what appears to be several hundred pounds of charcoal. When an individual wearing glasses is within 20 cm of the object, it becomes electrified, emitting an electrical current similar to a low-voltage taser. It will begin transmitting this power at the person in question if they are not wearing glasses or if they move closer to SCP-844 than the 20 cm limit. The current produced by SCP-844 is weak and cannot inflict any harm on human tissue, but can cause discomfort and disorientation in those who are exposed to it. If the user wearing glasses attempts to remove their sunglasses, SCP-844 will cease its power output and become inert. This effect can be prevented through the use of corrective lenses.
SCP-844 was recovered from ██████, New Jersey following reports of odd events occurring in a jewelry store in the ███████ Mall. Initial reports suggested that several individuals had been attacked by a group of armed assailants while shopping in the mall; however, no details were provided. The Foundation investigation was initiated after initial contact with one of the victims resulted in the victim’s being administered amnestics and being released from hospital care with no memory of their time in the mall.
Objective: To communicate with SCP-844 as it continues its current anomalous behavior and determine how it functions.
Excluded Subjects: Personnel handling SCP-844 must wear protective eyewear when around the object in order to prevent potential bodily harm should it be activated again.
After a series of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with SCP-844, it was decided to try using a specially constructed device. The device was made from a plastic box with a series of wires hooked up to a computer. The wires were plugged into the device and then plugged into the power source of SCP-844. When no one was in contact with the device, SCP-844 did not activate. When one subject wore eye glasses, SCP-844 began to emit an electrical current. The same test was conducted with both subjects wearing glasses and subjects wearing corrective lenses. However, there was no effect on SCP-844 when neither of the subjects had them on, indicating that SCP-844 seemed to only react when someone was wearing glasses.
The next test involved another member of the team who had no form of corrective lenses (blindness is not covered by SCP procedures). This subject was told that SCP-844 would not activate if they were not wearing glasses and the test proceeded as planned. However, when the subject removed their glasses, they received an electrical shock from SCP-844. No other tests were performed on this subject as it was believed that the reaction to removing glasses was only due to the blindness being unrepresented. As further testing is deemed too dangerous for blind individuals, all blind test subjects are to be excluded from testing.