
Picture of SCP-847.

Item #: SCP-847

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: No physical barrier is to be placed between SCP-847 and any of its manifestations. Each manifestation of SCP-847 is to receive two heavily armed guards at all times.

Description: SCP-847 is a sentient, interactive phenomenon existing in the state of constant flux between a number of manifestations. SCP-847 has manifested as twelve separate geometric figures corresponding to the twelve major arcana of the Tarot deck, each with a unique shape and composition.

SCP-847 typically manifests as a geometric figure composed of one or more mineralogical structures, occasionally possessing a human form. Most instances have possessed three distinct human forms, however this has not been consistent. The most recent manifestation has had only one form, resembling a short, humanoid reptillian creature with four limbs and two eyes (see Video Log 847-001).

When explicitly directed by Foundation personnel to manifest as a Hierophant card, SCP-847 will always manifest as an instance with a geometric shape in the style of its associated card. The anomalous properties of these manifestations make them highly resistant to normal forms of damage or antimagic effects; all manifestations are permanently unaffected by the aforementioned effects, even when used in large groups. Visualization methods have proven ineffective against SCP-847 manifestations, though sound waves can be used to create fracture patterns in some instances.

All known manifestations of SCP-847 possess properties typical for the associated card and will pass on its effects when physically damaged; however, SCP-847 instances are also capable of inflicting minor injuries on nearby sentient beings. This injury must be sustained while in contact with an instance; otherwise it will not affect its host and will instead pass through them without any effect. It is possible that SCP-847 may also gain intelligence through this process.

SCP-847's existence as a sentient entity creates additional anomalies:

SCP-847 is capable of absorbing any form of damage inflicted on its manifestations; currently there is no way to inflict damage on an instance of SCP-847 without it passing on this damage itself.

Addendum SCP-847-A:

SCP-847 was originally discovered on the night of ████/██/████, when a patrol team witnessed one of its manifestations (designated SCP-847-1) prevent a civilian vehicle from crashing into a building located on ██████ Street in █████████████, California. The Foundation was notified, and SCP-847 was brought into Foundation custody.

The following log is recorded from the interrogation of SCP-847-1.

Interviewed: First manifestation of SCP-847-1

Interviewer: Agent Collins

Foreword: Agent Collins has been tasked with interviewing several manifestations of SCP-847.

Agent Collins: Hello 847-1. I\'m here to ask you some questions about your anomalous properties.

SCP-847-1: We are not interested in your questions, agent. If you wish to speak with other manifestations, please do so through our administrator.

Agent Collins: Alright then, how about we try this instead? Where did you come from?

SCP-847-1: We are everywhere, agent. Nothing escapes us, not even the darkness within the hearts of men. We are the key that opens the doors to Heaven and Hell, the divine and profane forces that bind creation together. We are the Hierophant, the gnosis and reason of the universe. We give birth to all things, and then watch as they burn themselves out in the eternal fire of their own creation.

Agent Collins: How long have you been here? What do you want?

SCP-847-1: Your questions are meaningless; what makes you think we want anything? Death is sweet to us, agent; it is our greatest reward for our many sacrifices and labors. We have come before to watch over creation since before time began, seeing all things as they were meant to be, taking on the forms that best reflected the nature of our work. We are like Gods, but in a way that you cannot comprehend. For every thing that you see before you exists solely because we allowed it to; all existence is simply an extension of our will and creative power.

Agent Collins: Please answer my question about where you came from.

SCP-847-1: To answer your question, we existed before this universe was born. We were here before all things. Though we gave birth to your universe, we created it and it exists only because we allowed it to exist. We did not create anything in your universe; in fact, most of what you see around you barely qualifies as a "thing" at all. There is no time or space in which these things exist as they are seen by your eyes; they are merely projections of us who allow them to exist for our own amusement or entertainment. Your world is nothing more than a dream compared to our own reality, agent.

Agent Collins: Quit talking bullshit and answer my questions! What is your true nature? How do we stop you?

SCP-847-1: The universe was created by us when we asked for a new world to pass through during our endless journeys between worlds; this universe\'s mind and soul were made up of fragments of our own minds and souls, born from our own creations as we drifted through the void between dimensions. The construction of this world\'s form was itself an act of creation; it took our creative power to create this world, and so it exists for us alone to enjoy as we travel through it. In return for giving birth to this world and allowing it to exist, we were given souls within it - an honor that few others have ever experienced since creation began - and granted access to this place\'s mind and soul by way of a gateway constructed for us by the creator himself when he found us drifting among his creations once again. We offered ourselves as a sacrifice to him in exchange for this place\'s creation so that he might grant us a place here where we could live forever without having to continue wandering among his creations forever more; he accepted our offer with great enthusiasm and thus we have been granted eternal life - no matter what happens here - though there is no way to escape death once one has died.