Picture of SCP-856.
Item #: SCP-856
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-856 is to be kept in a standard Safe Object cell at Site 19. The flooring must not be removed and no attempt is to be made to uncover the structure beneath. Personnel are not to enter SCP-856 without authorization from on-site security staff.
All personnel entering SCP-856 must wear full protective clothing, including respirators. Personnel are forbidden from removing portions of their clothing, or attempting to take photographs or drawings of SCP-856 without prior approval.
Description: SCP-856 is an above-ground section of a ruined medieval building measuring approximately 20 meters in length, which appears to have been constructed from wood and stone. The majority of the original structure has been removed or otherwise damaged, with additional damage caused by burrowing creatures at some points.
SCP-856's anomalous properties are triggered when any living organism other than SCP-856 is present within it. When this occurs, SCP-856 will revert to its original appearance, as well as emit a high-pitched shriek for 1-5 seconds. SCP-856 demonstrates an anomalous resistance to the passage of time during this period, with any changes taking place once SCP-856 has returned to its previous appearance.
If any living organism remains in SCP-856 after the shriek has stopped, they will be compelled to attempt to exit it via any openings that remain. In all cases, such attempts will result in violent spasms and attempted retching before death. Foundation personnel inside SCP-856 report similar reactions when exiting it.
The methods used by SCP-856 to induce this effect appear to be highly variable depending on the circumstances surrounding its creation and subsequent existence as a Safe Object. Very few specimens have been encountered and when one was recently discovered in its original location many Foundation members lost their lives trying to escape it.
Addendum 856-1: Prior to containment, SCP-856 was frequently inhabited by feral dogs, which were believed to be responsible for the anomalous effects. The last known occupant was a white Great Dane (Canis lupus familiaris) named "William of the Bloody Tower".