Picture of SCP-862.
Item #: SCP-862
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: A Foundation waste disposal unit is to be set up in the center of a containment chamber, which is located at Site-███. The waste disposal unit is to be filled with various amounts of soil and must not be interconnected with any other units.
The containment chamber itself is to be kept in a climate-controlled room, and is situated out of sight from all exterior forces. A saltwater fish tank with an artificial reef structure is to be maintained at the center of the containment chamber in order to prevent any contamination from the outside world. Temperature and water pressure must be monitored in order to ensure the integrity of SCP-862's effect.
Observable changes within SCP-862 are to be recorded on regular basis; a digital thermometer is to be provided within the containment chamber for this purpose. All numerical changes must be logged, even if their actual meaning remains unclear. Though SCP-862 displays an irregular nature towards its effect, recorded changes will likely prove useful in predicting future changes.
Description: SCP-862 is a note printed on plain yellow paper, measuring 3.9 cm x 5.7 cm. The paper has two different blurry handwritten paragraphs, which are spread out across the front and back of the paper. The handwriting appears to match that of Dr. ██████, a Foundation researcher before his death in 1936.
The first paragraph has no additional characters in the epigraph section; only Dr. ██████'s signature headings have been added to the bottom of the note.
The second paragraph reads as follows:
Today we leave behind our toxic green footprints. Our time was spent manufacturing poisons for everyday use that accumulate in our foods, products, and even in our own bodies. It has become too easy to be engulfed in this vile destruction and forgotten what it was like to simply live without hating one another for each other's green skin and blonde hair. Today we say goodbye to this new world, but first let us thank you for your support throughout these years. You didn't really have a choice in joining us, but I hope this proves that you did what is right. A world filled with hatred isn't much better than a world filled with hate-filled tears.
That is why today we will be leaving our roots behind so that tomorrow we can regain our liberation from dark souls who are filled with envy and disgust towards anyone who is different from them. A matter of fact, this statement alone is enough justification for rejecting all forms of racism. If everything about one's birth holds meaning for their existence or not, then how could there be any difference between the colour of a person's skin? We wouldn't want to give them any reason to hate us!
Our roots have long since fused us together into one large tree; nothing would ever be able to tear us apart again! I hope that whatever part of you comes back tomorrow will still remember how beautiful every little leaf could be if we weren't so blind towards all that counts as beauty!
Yours sincerely, Dr. ██████ '██', Founder of Green Mountain.
Addendum-862-1: SCP-862 was found buried in a cemetery in ██████, Germany, dated to the year of ██.██. The note was discovered by the Foundation after an investigation into several cases where people of different ethnicities were found dead, including several German high-ranking officials. In addition, several corpses with green spots on their bodies have been discovered in the same area; these spots hardened within a few days before decomposition and proved to be incapable of killing the subject.
After SCP-862's discovery, substantial effort has been made to track down those associated with SCP-862's creation. It is currently unclear whether SCP-862 was created by an individual or a group of people, though it is suspected that the former is more likely.