Picture of SCP-867.
Item #: SCP-867
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-867 is to be contained in a 5m x 5m semi-enclosed area with a centrally located water fountain. SCP-867 is to be fed on a twice daily basis, given two (2) hours to consume its food, and then one (1) hour to digest. The object appears to prefer fruit, but will accept other foodstuffs in its diet. Any exposed non-fruit material within the enclosure may be destroyed.
Standard containment procedures are to be followed regarding feeding, feeding schedule, and rest time of the SCP-867 host animal.
Description: SCP-867 is a humanoid entity of biological origin possessing light green skin covering its torso, arms and legs. SCP-867's head appears to be composed of several organs connected within the viscera and flesh of the torso cavity. The subject is capable of standing upright and possesses no signs of muscular or skeletal systems. SCP-867 has been observed vocalizing in a variety of different languages while interacting with other Foundation personnel and other SCPs.
SCP-867 typically physically communicates by bowing, lowering itself slightly and speaking in a distorted voice while gesturing towards objects or persons present. SCP-867 is able to manipulate physical objects such as paper, string, wood, food, water, etc., and has also been observed modifying its physical properties to execute various tasks at high speed that would not normally be possible. The subject has been observed to manifest new tools to allow itself complex functions such as nearly instantaneous tool creation and use. SCP-867 will also act on its own accord for purposes that are not directly related to the object's containment protocols. For example, the subject was seen dancing on its hands during a test involving the manifestation of an impromptu musical instrument.
Addendum 867-1: On 09/18/20██, SCP-867 was transferred to Site 52's Containment Wing. The subject was initially agitated by the transfer, and attempted to escape containment several times. However, after several days of this behavior, the subject exhibited signs of behavioral regression. SCP-867 has since been observed to follow established containment procedures.