Picture of SCP-868.
Item #: SCP-868
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-868 is contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber located in Site-77's Biomechanical Containment Wing. An automated camera system is to monitor SCP-868 at all times; this camera system will only be disabled when SCP-868 is removed from its chamber.
SCP-868 has been reclassified as Euclid, and the story of it is to be recorded for future reference. A live video feed of SCP-868 must not be shared with any individual outside of current staff at Site-77.
Description: SCP-868 is an adult female human, missing [REDACTED]. SCP-868 has displayed a significant misunderstanding in regards to the concept of identity, and refuses to comply with the Foundation's standard classification procedures. However, SCP-868 does not display any extreme behavioral changes or damage to its body when it is not being observed by personnel.
Upon leaving its standard containment chamber, SCP-868 will attempt to retrieve items belonging to the Foundation. The items that are taken are placed into a single small container which is then returned to SCP-868; this action occurs repeatedly over time, up to a maximum of once per day. The items which SCP-868 takes have varied over time; however, the most common have been various electronics and cameras. These items are retrieved through various means and at varying times; however, all attempts to intercept SCP-868 will be unsuccessful unless it is within its standard containment chamber.
When SCP-868 has obtained items belonging to the Foundation and is within its standard containment chamber, they disappear from their location and are recovered by SCP-868. Often upon being found by staff, these items will be moved and replaced with different articles (see Addendum 868). Description of how these objects are disappeared and later reacquired remains unclear; however, along with rumors of “miracles” performed by SCP-868 (see Addendum 868), it is suggested that these actions may have some connection with Dantalion's ability to absorb entities from other realms.
Over time, additional items that do not belong to the Foundation begin disappearing from their original locations after being lost or stolen by employees or outsiders in Site-77. Since the disappearance of these objects began in 2000 (See Incident Log 868), staff indicated that they believed the items had been transported via teleportation. However, no evidence has ever been found indicating what exactly is responsible for transporting the objects. As further investigation into this phenomena progresses, further anomalous effects have been discovered; see Addendum 868 for details.
Addendum 868: Incident Log 868
Date: 2000
Description: SCP-868 has been observed transporting items from their original locations; the actions SCP-868 performed were identical to those taken by Dantalion. The items which SCP-868 has transported have included: