
Picture of SCP-881.

Item #: SCP-881

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-881 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-77. Personnel entering the containment area are to be given a copy of the documentation contained within the document box, with a cover note stating the item's return date and its current condition.

Any personnel attempting to leave the item's containment area are not to be permitted any further access, save for authorized medical personnel. The number of personnel allowed in the containment area at any one time is to be kept low. When not being stored in an active experiment, SCP-881 is to be stored in a separate containment locker containing specimens from other SCPs and artifacts from Site-77.

Description: SCP-881 is a sealed document box containing the following documents:

Approximately 8/17 (65%) of the documents are in English, with the remainder being written in German. The majority of the documents do not have any address or place of business listed, although some of them contain a listing for "SIGMA GmbH", which appears to be a European consumer electronics firm based in Duesseldorf, Germany.

SCP-881 was recovered from the home of Kurt ████████, the original owner and current custodian of the items contained within. Mr. ████████ reported that he purchased SCP-881 from an individual he identified as Dr. ███████, who had been selling old manufactured goods at a local flea market as they were no longer usable by standard stockholders. Mr. ████████'s interest in SCP-881 was piqued after being contacted by Foundation agents using information regarding persons supposedly associated with Dr. ███████. After resisting and failing to disable Mr. ████████'s security system, agents posing as police officers forced entry into his home and confiscated SCP-881 before restraining him and leading him away in handcuffs.

The information contained within SCP-881 has proven invaluable to Foundation agents in gathering additional data on other SCPs. Due to its nature and possible implications regarding alternate realities and other items that may have been created by SCP-881's contents, personnel are instructed not to research any information contained within these documents without Special Containment Procedures approval.

Addendum - SCP-881-1:

Document 881-A:

To anyone who may be reading this notice:

Don\'t come. I\'m sure you\'re looking for a piece of "exposure" in the form of a new story, but don\'t bother. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Truth is, I\'ve been writing all this time, just never had the nerve to tell anyone in case it was too silly or boring or whatever. So, here\'s the whole thing in one go and I hope you enjoy it.

I\'ll admit, it\'s not very good, but that\'s just because it\'s a product of my imagination. I spent all this time trying to get people to write back to me and all they did was bitch about how much they hated me or asked me if I have a job or something equally stupid. I don\'t understand why they can\'t just…well, actually I do understand, because it\'s not like they can write back to me.

People are idiots.

Anyway, sorry if the story sucked and thanks for reading this boring thing.

Dr. ███████