
Picture of SCP-883.

Item #: SCP-883

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-883 is to be contained in an isolated area with a minimum of 30 square metres of floor space, maximum of 90 sq. m. An area of at least 5 sq. m will be used for the cultivation of suitable vegetation and the setting up of a watering system. A single goat is to be assigned to SCP-883 and provided with enough food and water to sustain it over the course of its containment period. The feeding schedule will be adjusted if needs change during said period, but should ensure that no more than 60% of the food consumed by SCP-883 is wasted.

Daily inspections are required to ensure that SCP-883 continues to feed on relevant plants; any non-relevant plants or other animals found within SCP-883's area are to be removed. Feeding schedules are to be amended as required when new plants are introduced into SCP-883's containment area or old ones removed from SCP-883's area. At all times, personnel assigned to this task must avoid contact with SCP-883 under any circumstances.

Description: SCP-883 is a goat, as evidenced by its horns and ears. These extremities are rigid, and SCP-883 does not appear to be able to bend them at will. In addition, SCP-883's upper body does not seem to be able to move at all.

SCP-883 appeared via a non-anomalous portal in the middle of ████████, Australia on ██/██/20██, where it was initially observed by [DATA EXPUNGED]. When it exited its portal, SCP-883 possessed all of the abilities described in this document. It has since been observed ingesting plants and other materials around its containment area in an attempt to survive; no outside sources have been found to provide SCP-883 with sustenance.

SCP-883 exhibits extreme aggression towards personnel assigned to maintain it; primarily men due to the difficulty in avoiding contact with it. Most of these incidents are resolved with the termination of SCP-883. The only exception is when a staff member will momentarily appear within its field of vision during feeding or otherwise, causing SCP-883 to stop what they were doing and stare directly at that individual for over thirty seconds before resuming their task. Only on one occasion has this "glare" been enough for personnel to avoid death; after seeing a previously non-existent goat levitate above the ground without being touched, appropriate action was taken by Foundation staff.


On ██/██/20██, SCP-883 has been observed feeding on a plant of the genus [DATA EXPUNGED], as well as several other plants of unknown species. All this time, SCP-883 has been observed in deep thought, with only one pair of horns and one ear moving. This behavior has not changed.

On ██/██/20██, SCP-883 was observed to "glare" at three individuals (two male and one female) assigned to its containment. The three personnel were terminated moments later. At this point, SCP-883 was removed from its containment area and placed in an isolation cell.