Picture of SCP-886.
Item #: SCP-886
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-886 is to be kept in a high-security container at all times. No personnel are to enter the container with SCP-886 or SCP-886-2 except as approved tests. SCP-886 is to be fed biweekly by two D-class personnel, who are to be rotated weekly. MTF Theta-9 ("Marder's Angels") is stationed at Site ██ to ensure that no unauthorized individuals gain access to the containment chamber.
Description: SCP-886 is a spherical container approximately six feet in diameter. The container is composed of paper, similar to the composition of printer paper. A water-based marker has been used to write on various parts of the container.
SCP-886 manifests two anomalous properties when the lid is unscrewed and removed. The first is that the presence of an individual with any sort of lower intelligence prevents access to the container; any person under a score of 13 (out of a possible 100) on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WIS) will be unable to open the lid or enter the container, unless it is opened by an individual with an IQ over 15. When an individual with a low or average level of intelligence enters the container, SCP-886 will change its form, seemingly using intelligent thought processes to assume an acrobatic position in order to prevent them from closing the lid. With enough strength and determination, this process can be bypassed by individuals with high enough IQ's. The containment chamber is designed to prevent entry from any other angle than on top of SCP-886's left shoulder, where it stops moving in order for personnel not standing on its shoulder to access it if they are not trying to get into it.
Individuals attempting to open the container while SCP-886's second anomalous property is active will be forcefully pulled inside and held within SCP-886 indefinitely. Personnel who are in possession of SCP-886 at this time are designated SCP-886-2, although they typically seem unaware that they are not in actuality with SCP-886.
Addendum: SCP-886-1 was recovered during a raid on the warehouse where SCP-886 was being stored. The container was not opened, and was in the possession of an individual with an IQ of 4.3.