
Picture of SCP-887.

Item #: SCP-887

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: No special containment procedures exist for SCP-887. Civilians are to be discouraged from entering SCP-887.

Description: SCP-887 is a workshop located in █████████, Italy. Constructed approximately 500 m in diameter and 150 cm tall, it includes four levels, one containing a workbench, the remainder fitted with conversion circuitry and other equipment.

Given that the walls of SCP-887 are transparent and appear to be made of glass, extreme caution is advised when entering the building; if not careful, one's body will pass through the walls. One may see through the transparent wall of SCP-887 if one stands within 2m of it, or above 1m.

SCP-887 does not contain any mechanical devices or any kinds of anomalous objects; rather, it contains only several similar pieces of equipment used for converting matter into energy or vice versa. These pieces of equipment include:

These devices do not function normally; seemingly lacking in internal power source, they passively feed off the energy generated by their surroundings (e.g., sunlight). All devices appear to operate on a basis of footexelaboration - i.e., they require a combination of motion and manual operation to act properly.

When combined together, these devices create an anomalous effect. When sunlight falls upon them, every converted piece of matter in their vicinity reaches an extremely high temperature; recorded temperatures have reached up to ████°C before spontaneously cooling down again. If further explanation is necessary than this simple "catalyst", any person standing near the devices will be directly caught up in the effect as well; all exposed persons will be unable to remove their eyes from the devices' action as long as they are present within view. The affected persons display no signs of suffering discomfort while subject to this effect; however, they do become progressively more impatient towards observing activity within SCP-887 over time.

Upon entering SCP-887 without being exposed to the devices beforehand, one finds oneself at its center; alongside one's own reflection appears that of an adult male dressed up in Santa Claus' attire (presumably SCP-887's owner). This appearance lasts for approximately 10 seconds before fading away into thin air. SCP-888 exhibits no further anomalous effects while present within SCP-887.

Addendum: Personnel should be advised to avoid coming into contact with devices in SCP-887; as these devices have not been fully analyzed and do not appear to have any unusual properties, exposure to them is considered dangerous.

Experiment Log (0887-1): Test conducted on 02/07/████. Test was carried out by two D-Class personnel who were exposed to the devices used in experiment.

Test Results: Both subjects were subjected both to the effects of the devices used in experiment, and to the effect of SCP-887 itself. After a while, they entered a state of uncontrollable excitement, jumping and squealing at a rate of approximately 10\xa0Hz, and repeatedly saying "Merry Christmas!" and "Amazing!" respectively.

After ██ minutes, subject #1 (D-1884) continued to jump in place for a period of time exceeding ██ minutes; subject #2 (D-1885) had shut down entirely by this point. Subject #1 then began sniffing the air around its feet, seemingly trying to locate something - further investigation revealed that it was attempting to locate some sort of animal tracks left by Santa Claus. At this point, subject #2 regained consciousness and began screaming at the sight of the other subject. Subject #2 then proceeded to chase D-1884 until D-1884\'s legs gave out from overuse; D-1885 was then forcibly removed from test chamber.

While D-1884 was being removed, subject #3 (D-9792), who had remained behind during test, began crying at the sight of the two people in distress.

Subjects\' reactions upon exiting SCP-887 were similar to those observed during test; they had continued to keep praising SCP-887\'s owner and agreeing with each other\'s statements about its appearance.