
Picture of SCP-890.

Item #: SCP-890

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation has placed a 24/7 guard over SCP-890. The area is surrounded by a 1 km perimeter fence, and overseen by the KVN-65 Rangers before being transferred to Site-59's security department. SCP-890 is kept in an isolated, fenced containment unit.

In addition, the Pacific Maritime Militia and the FBI are tasked with maintaining SCP-890 at bay. The Pacific Maritime Militia are to warn vessels of late September (when SCP-890 appears) to alter their course away from SCP-890 as far as possible. The FBI are to track and follow vessels entering Bering Strait until they pass SCP-890, which occurs in early October each year.

Description: SCP-890 is a large mass of several hundred male Grey Wolves, Kodiak Bears (Ursus arctos middendorffi), and other subspecies of Ursus living on the land bridge between Alaska and Russia.

SCP-890 appear between September 22nd and October 2nd. During this time, SCP-890 will stand still, sometimes sitting in a bipedal position for several hours at a time. No food or water is given to SCP-890; it will feed on human flesh directly from passing vessels or use its claws to rip open the boats. When any vessels are caught by SCP-890's approach, the fleet will stop and drop their anchors to avoid SCP-890's attack. Ships will then attempt to escape using their engines in order to outrun the SCP-890 while maintaining enough distance that they cannot be attacked.

While SCP-890 appears stationary, it typically hovers over one point on land and displays some degree of movement despite appearing solid. When it approaches a vessel, it will make vocalizations which can vary from bear growls to high pitched screams. The sounds emitted by SCP-890 vary based on the type of meat being consumed by SCP-890; human flesh causes SCP-890 to scream in pain, while fish causes SCP-890 to howl.

In addition to displaying its anomalous properties during September and October, SCP-890 redirects its anomalous characteristics in response to the presence of nearby objects or beings. If the proximity of an object is significantly reduced or removed from the ground beneath its feet, SCP-890 will momentarily bend over and return its attention from the vessel towards where it was previously located. If a boat moves further away from where it saw the object or person last, it will spring back into action regardless of whether human flesh was consumed overnight.

Addendum 890-A:

On September 22nd, 2007, the Foundation was alerted of SCP-890's appearance in Bering Strait. The Foundation immediately began to track and film the mass of wolves and bears. A fleet of vessels was also sent towards SCP-890 to determine its anomalous properties.

During this time, SCP-890 was observed tearing apart a fishing boat and attempting to eat the flesh of a crew member. The boat had been towed further from the mass of SCP-890 by the fleet, but had not completed an escape before being consumed by the anomaly. After several hours, a Coast Guard vessel was able to successfully lure SCP-890 away from the area with a large quantity of fish.

On September 23rd, 2007, approximately 200 members of the Pacific Maritime Militia and 20 members of the FBI attempted to capture SCP-890 with nets and tranquilizer darts. When the boats were within a 1\xa0km radius of SCP-890, it began to emerge from the ground, causing some of the tranquilizers to backfire and cause significant damage to some vessels. One of the boats fired a warning shot into the frontal region of SCP-890, causing it to retreat back into the ground.

After three weeks, SCP-890 reappeared, then disappeared again on September 29th and 30th. On October 1st, 2007, SCP-890 was located in Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia, having been chased there by Russian forces attempting to destroy it. After being discovered by Russian authorities, SCP-890 was contained by Russian forces and is awaiting transport back to Site-579.