
Picture of SCP-897.

Item #: SCP-897

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-897 are to be housed in a single isolation chamber within Site-76. Only two remote cameras are to be installed in the containment area; any additional assets may be acquired by Foundation agents posing as local officials. All instances of SCP-897 are to be fed once per week.

Should an instance of SCP-897 attempt to escape its cell, it is to be moved to a separate isolation chamber for further observation. Should an instance of SCP-897 begin to violently attack its only human contact, any personnel attempting to approach the area is to be terminated immediately via proximity controlled weapon fire.

Description: SCP-897 is the collective designation for a group of seven humanoid entities appearing in the form of males of African descent. All instances of SCP-897 will display bizarre behaviors towards and towards each other, with members of the group attempting to care for each other by performing various tasks.

SCP-897 possess unusually high levels of intelligence, with all instances capable of both verbal and written communication. All instances of SCP-897 claim to be servants to a humanoid entity referred to as "God". However, attempts to interview any instance have failed due to their inability to understand English.

In addition to their claims of servitude, SCP-897 describes a highly religious community consisting only of it, God and several dozen other individuals. Several notable members are able to understand English and are able to answer interview questions though most will attempt to talk over the interviewer rather than through them.

The following list represents the names assigned to prominent members. Additional members are referred to within SCP-897 containment documentation:

SCP-897 was discovered within a house in [REDACTED] on April 7th 1992 after local law enforcement raided its residence in response to reports of multiple livestock deaths. During this raid, SCP-897 engaged local police in increasingly violent behavior; when no agents could respond, an instance fled from its home and entered into nearby woods where it was detained by Foundation agents. A single additional instance was located later that day in an abandoned warehouse which had previously been noted as a site for Satanic rituals by local law enforcement.(See Incident Report 45.)

Addendum: A series of interviews were conducted with SCP-897 at Site-76; the following transcript is an accurate representation of the conversation.

Interviewed: SCP-897

Interviewer: Dr. ██████

Foreword: SCP-897 has been presented with a pen and paper and asked to write a letter to its "master".

Dr. ██████: Please state your name for the record.

SCP-897: I am called God.

Dr. ██████: What is your name?

SCP-897: I am called God.

Dr. ██████: What is your job?

SCP-897: I am called God.

Dr. ██████: What do you do for your master?

SCP-897: I am called God.

Dr. ██████: Do you have a name?

SCP-897: I am called God.

Dr. ██████: Why aren\'t you doing your job?

SCP-897: I am called God.

Dr. ██████: Why are you here?

SCP-897 pauses, pen in hand and stares blankly at Dr. ██████ for several seconds before writing "What is my purpose?". Dr. ██████ writes "To serve God." on the paper before handing it back to SCP-897. The entity writes "To serve God," and then smiles. Dr. ██████ writes "I understand." on the paper, and hands it back to SCP-897 who stares at the paper for several seconds before writing "Thank you". Dr. ██████ nods and walks out of the room.