Picture of SCP-899.
Item #: SCP-899
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-899 is located in an open field on the outskirts of ██████, Maine. No attempt should be made to force SCP-899 into a human form, as this could result in the death of both the subject and any handlers attempting to restrain or contain it.
Attempts to capture or kill SCP-899 are discouraged and considered a breach of containment. The object's duration of appearance at a given location cannot be assessed accurately from observation alone; testable periods are determined by visual estimation and local weather report records dating back 15 years.
Description: SCP-899 is an adult female human, with a 40 cm-long neoteny growth pattern (see Addendum: Growth Statistics). The subject retains its own clothing, consisting of trousers and shirt, as well as wearing a belt, shoes, and socks. Any accessories not specifically part of the body of SCP-899 are believed to be nonanomalous. All items are resistant to damage.
SCP-899 can manifest anywhere outside on any given day. The subject's feeding and sleeping habits are typical of a human, and it is capable of remaining awake for up to three days at a time.
When not using its anomalous properties, SCP-899 will remain sedentary and motionless under cover or in a stationary position. Once the sun rises, however, it will become active and begin wandering from location to location. This activity leads it to constantly move towards a large forest at 2 km from its location. No other significant changes occur during this period; SCP-899 is unable to reflect on its actions in relation to the campaign against itself. When within 100 meters of the forest's edge, SCP-899 will stand still for approximately 60 seconds before disappearing into the forest.
The ██████ Forest is 1.8 kilometers in diameter and dense with tree trunks. The trees exhibit no anomalous properties, but seem to prevent natural light from getting through their canopy above ground level. Clouds regularly pass over this area; no environmental effects associated with cloud movement were found prior to containment.
The ██████ Forest has been abundant with animal populations since its discovery by Foundation agents and containing SCP-899 was temporarily discontinued after exposure of Area-██ personnel and civilians in Subsistence Area ███ on [REDACTED]
Addendum: Growth Statistics
As the object is usually not visible for more than a few hours at a time, the measurements below are only estimates based on observations made over the last ██ years.