
Picture of SCP-901.

Item #: SCP-901

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-901 is to be kept in a standard safe-storage containment unit at Site-██. SCP-901's safe-container has been modified to allow for access to its main chamber with the addition of a single locking mechanism; these modifications are considered to render the safe completely secure. Removal of the safe's locking mechanism requires demolition of the main chamber, and any such attempt must first gain approval from the head researcher of Site-██.

Description: SCP-901 is a large wooden box, constructed from a slab of beech wood measuring approximately 10 cm thick. The box measures around 2.5m long and 30cm wide across the base. Its interior is lined with a thick layer of red felt, and an additional layer of cotton padding has been used to finish the interior.

SCP-901's anomalous properties activate immediately upon opening the box. Upon opening it, all subjects within 3 meters will experience intense feelings of nostalgia (rating 9/10 on the Capsule Scale). Subjects who are familiar with SCP-901 will likely react very strongly to its appearance, expressing sentiments such as 'if only I had known this existed when I was younger', or 'who knew this existed?'

Subjects exposed to SCP-901 will report memories of childhood spending time in rural community parks, during which they would meet and interact with other individuals within their age range whenever they played their respective games. The majority of these memories are extremely vivid, and revolve primarily around ball sports such as baseball, football or basketball. If a subject reports a prior familiarity with another individual within SCP-901's range, they will frequently request one another to be friends on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, and often request information about other 'friends' that the subject does not know about.

Addendum: The following document is a partial list of the individuals that are known to have met within SCP-901's range.