Picture of SCP-906.
Item #: SCP-906
Object Class: Safe, Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-906 is to be contained within a standard Humanoid Containment Unit consisting of four Plexiglas observation panels. The unit's interior dimensions are to measure approximately 1.5m x 2.5m, and must be constructed of materials similar to that which SCP-906's containment unit was constructed from.
SCP-906 must be contained within its unit during the day, and a light source must be located inside the containment unit at all times.
Description: SCP-906 is a humanoid, roughly between the age of 20 and 25 years old, measuring approximately 1.3 meters in height and weighing 45kg. It is covered with a leathery exoskeleton of chitinous material that is extremely resistant to damage. SCP-906 does not appear to be able to move its limbs, but it can extend its arms to the sides and curl them into fists which are composed of some very fine and tough bone matter.
SCP-906 possesses two fingers on each hand as well as four toes on each foot. The fingers have been observed to have a strong degree of dexterity and are capable of performing complicated tasks as well as more simple ones. SCP-906 has not made any attempt at getting out of its containment unit.
SCP-906 will make unprovoked aggressive actions towards individuals not affiliated with the Foundation, such as civilians and other SCPs. When provoked by Foundation personnel, SCP-906 will attempt to avoid confrontation and will run away until leaving its observation panel.
SCP-906 behaves extremely hostile when provoked or left alone for long periods of time, displaying excessive strength in all forms of wrestling, boxing, and martial arts. When injured during these activities, SCP-906 seems increasingly unhappy, stuttering or crying occasionally before eventually collapsing and falling unconscious. When knocked unconscious from either form of injury, SCP-906 will remain in this state for several hours before falling asleep for 2-4 days before waking up in an apparently normal state.
Addendum SCP-906-1: On 21/10/2005, SCP-906 was observed to have gained the ability to communicate with others by writing. SCP-906 was observed writing "I\'m sorry" on the floor of its containment unit in large letters before returning to its previous state.