
Picture of SCP-908.

Item #: SCP-908

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-908 is contained in a containment locker at Site-19, located in the Heline Laboratory. SCP-908 has been fitted with electronic surveillance equipment at the request of Dr. Heline, with testing focused on SCP-908's anomalous properties.

Requests for reagent testing should be submitted and approved by Dr. Heline. All testing must be done through Dr. Heline or her assistant, and must not include any live human subjects.

Experimentation with SCP-908 outside of testing and approved experiments requires Level 3 clearance.

Description: SCP-908 is an object, approximately 20 cm tall, with a transparent plastic dome on top. The object appears to be filled with a viscous liquid. SCP-908 is labelled as "Attention: Do Not Open!".

When opened, the liquid contained within SCP-908 begins to rapidly evaporate. Instances of SCP-908 are expected to contain approximately 1.2 grams (70 mL) of liquid. Due to its volatility, no attempt has been made to weigh SCP-908. Larger numbers of instances may exist within the object, but these are believed to be nonanomalous liquids such as oil and water.

Poisoning by ingestion of an instance of SCP-908 will result in severe gastrointestinal distress, vomiting and diarrhea for up to 18 hours. Victims will suffer from dehydration and electrolyte imbalance and possible permanent damage in their gastrointestinal tracts. Exposure to high temperatures or prolonged exposure will also hasten the effects of SCP-908 poisoning. Symptoms begin after 4 hours and can worsen over the next few hours until death occurs 24 - 48 hours later. Death by dehydration has been reported in tests with living subjects surviving at least 72 hours after contact with SCP-908 had been removed.

As stated above, ingestions of instances have been documented through testing. The substance within SCP-908 has not survived testing, but attempts have been made, including the use of concentrated hydrochloric acid and acetic acid, to reveal if any chemical components exist within the substance other than water (see document 908-EX). Failure to do so is due to the volatility of the substance within SCP-908, not necessarily any lack of it. Further research into this phenomenon is ongoing.

Addendum 908-01: Incident Log 908-01

Date: 12/03/2016

Object: SCP-908

Subject: Personnel D-63488

Summary: Employee attempted to open an instance of SCP-908, apparently unaware that it could not be opened. Subject was given several minutes to read the note before being given a paper bag to place the instance in.

Result: D-63488 died of dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea over the course of 72 hours. Autopsy revealed severe damage to the gastrointestinal tract, with multiple organs having been ruptured by the corrosive digestive juices.

Notes: The note on SCP-908 is currently being examined for possible clues as to how it may be opened.

Date: 12/04/2016

Object: SCP-908

Subject: D-121918

Summary: D-121918 was instructed to apply a small amount of SCP-908\'s contents to his eyelids. Subject then closed both eyes, and was instructed to open his eyes. In response, the subject recoiled and reported intense pain in his pupils and eyelids. When asked what he felt, subject replied that "it burned."

Result: D-121918 had his eyes removed via surgery. Two days after removal, the subject reported intense discomfort in his right eye due to an unknown injury. Medical examination revealed that the cornea had been damaged, causing severe damage to the eye and likely permanent blindness in the future. Autopsy revealed that all of the skin covering the eyeball had been flayed off by corrosive digestive juices, exposing muscle, tendons and nerves within the eye socket. It is currently unknown how this damage could have been caused by simply opening one\'s eyes.