
Picture of SCP-909.

Item #: SCP-909

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-909 is to be kept in a large scientific containment chamber, accessible by personnel via a locked door at the end of a long hallway. A single video camera is permitted in the containment area, but no other surveillance equipment may be used.

Description: SCP-909 appears to be a large black sphere, approximately 1.5 meters in diameter, with an outer radius of 2.9 meters and an interior radius of 4.5 meters. When first discovered, it was thought to be a space probe.

When SCP-909 is moved into an area containing a person or animal, it will attempt to communicate with the subject by means of some form of "alien" language, usually English translated into the language of the subject's choice. The entity that speaks through SCP-909 appears to be [DATA EXPUNGED].


The following report was taken from Dr. Jackson, who was the first person to encounter SCP-909. The note was delivered to Dr. Jackson by [DATA EXPUNGED] in a sealed envelope (a popular form of data storage among many alien races) on the 23rd of July, 1992.

Dr. Jackson:

To Whom It May Concern:

We are recording this message for the purposes of science and history. We ask that you destroy the tape after it has been recorded.

This letter will be delivered to you through a small object that has been placed in your mailbox. Please do not attempt to look inside the envelope or return it to us.

The object is a small capsule, approximately one liter in capacity, which will contain something that we have dubbed SCP-909. We cannot guarantee that it will not harm you or anyone else if you open the capsule. We must be sure that the object is kept safe until we can find a way to prevent SCP-909 from communicating with humans.

If you should wish to speak to us directly, please contact us at Site ██ as soon as possible.
