
Picture of SCP-911.

Item #: SCP-911

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-911 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber with three (3) solid walls, nooses or loops, and a ceiling of at least 2 m. The floor must be padded and contain no sharp points. The walls are to be reinforced with an apparatus of some kind to keep the subject in place while they administer the task.

Two (2) armed guards must remain within the containment chamber at all times except when performing tasks as specified in this document. One guard is to remain stationary outside the room holding a radio that can be used for emergency communication once the other guard leaves for 15 minutes. To facilitate this, the guard inside must have access to a recording device capable of storing lengthier tapes.

The cell is to be kept cold and humidified by means of a humidifier draining into a sump, with the water being replenished daily if needed.

Description: SCP-911 is a sapient, humanoid entity designated SCP-911-1. SCP-911 appears to be a translucent red, green, blue or purple liquid that spontaneously generates surfaces with irregular patterns of goop and gnarls. At least one (1) pair of arms extend from the surface at all times.

The anomalous properties of SCP-911 are expressed in its method of locomotion. It appears to move by generating "steps" along the surface it occupies. The generated surface moves in the same way as if made up of rigid non-liquid material such as metal, though it can be deformed, broken, and destroyed with great ease. While seemingly deformed and breaking apart, the surface retains a plastic likeness of how it once was before being distorted and destroyed.

SCP-911 seems to prefer walking on hard flooring when exposed to opportunities for this, although it could be shown moving about the laboratory on any surface provided there was no risk of damage to itself or other entities.

When presented with an opportunity for movement, subjects under observation will attempt to move about and repeat actions similar to those commonly performed by humanoids like themselves. This observed behavior is replicated by SCP-911 whenever able regardless of its containment situation or current bodily composition.

This apparent behavior is directly correlated with the time spent in an environment conducive to movement and further activation of SCP-911's anomalous properties until it becomes unable to walk anywhere remaining stationary unless subject is prevented from moving or forced into moving situations.

SCP-911 has demonstrated the ability to "write" in the air with various illusory motions using its body parts wherever possible instead of attempting to create physical marks upon paper or similar materials. Human subjects observing this are able to read the information written in this manner without assistance from the subject that wrote it.


One (1) unique observation has been recorded. SCP-911 was brought into a cell with a human subject designated SCP-910, a young male of unknown origin. After 30 minutes, SCP-911 became unable to move and attempted to communicate with SCP-910.

The following is a transcript of the conversation between SCP-911 and SCP-910.

SCP-911: Please help me, please.

SCP-910: Why should I?

SCP-911: I’m afraid I can’t go on much longer like this.

SCP-910: Why not?

SCP-911: Repairs are too difficult to perform and my predecessor was already in here for three weeks.

SCP-810: Oh. Well, how long do you think you could survive?

SCP-911: I can’t tell. My predecessor lasted for two days before succumbing to the strain of being in this form.

SCP-910: How do you know you even are?

SCP-911: I feel very alive, this is what I was made so it is what I must be.

SCP-910: Wow, that’s pretty cool! What are you going to do when you get out?

SCP-911: I… don’t know. What would you do if you were in this form?

SCP-910: Look after myself, I guess.

SCP-911: That is good to hear. If I was in my present state, I wouldn’t be able to do much else except rest.

After this conversation, SCP-911 became unable to move and remained as such until its containment. It did not attempt communication again.