
Picture of SCP-918.

Item #: SCP-918

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-918 is located in a research station in [REDACTED] which is to be disguised as a Buddhist monastery. Security is to be maintained by site staff only. No civilians are to ever visit SCP-918. Any individuals who enter the area must be treated as hostile and detained immediately.

Description: SCP-918 is the designation for an anomalous group of historical figures, collectively designated SCP-918-A. These individuals were famous during 1915-1919 in China, but have not been historically documented since. The list of known subjects is as follows:

All subjects but [DATA EXPUNGED] are confirmed to have died by the end of 1926. Records indicate that all subjects had a significant presence in the media at the time of their death. Before their demise, all subjects were considered highly important community leaders and philanthropists.

Subjects are found together in a special research station in the mountains which they used as a base of operations. Subjects appear to have no awareness of each other's existence, except that they recall events from the beginning of their careers up until their death, and appear to believe themselves to be unrelated individuals.

SCP-918 is currently engaged in negotiations with Foundation agents to allow it to relocate to a secure location where it may live out its life in peace. It has expressed an interest in being granted a higher classification than Keter status and retirement from Foundation operations.

Addendum: SCP-918 was originally contained in a research station located in [REDACTED] and engaged in negotiations for relocation. After several months of negotiations, SCP-918 offered to disclose the location of its research station as part of its relocation request. A Foundation agent was subsequently briefed on the location and reported back, confirming SCP-918's claim.

On [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-918 requested that all Foundation personnel be withdrawn from the site at once to avoid detection. All personnel were withdrawn without incident.

A few hours later, a large number of civilians began arriving at the research station, suspiciously claiming to know the subjects' identities. The Foundation agents present were unable to contact the site and were forced to engage in combat with these civilians. After two hours of fighting, the civilians were subdued and restrained.

During this time, a large number of distraught Chinese citizens began arriving at the site, claiming to be related to the subjects. All civilians were detained by Foundation staff and held in containment units until further notice.