Picture of SCP-921.
Item #: SCP-921
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All windows and doors in the containment area are to be sealed by means of a ducting system. Any movement detected within SCP-921 should be reported to a nearby station agent as well as security personnel.
Description: SCP-921 is a large, sealed containment area located in the basement of Site-106, a Foundation experiment and containment facility. The area measures 1.5m x 2m x 1m, with no other entrances or exits present.
When within SCP-921, all objects will float about 0.4 meters above the ground with no discernible loss of mass. A lack of gravitational pull has been confirmed to account for this anomaly.
Testing has shown that SCP-921 can completely collect objects from outside, as well as objects from inside the containment area. When an item falls into SCP-921 from any direction, it will completely collect it and return to the field of gravity. MTF units assigned to this location have reported various behaviours when interacting with objects within the anomaly:
Door: When opened without the use of a key, doorways will show themselves to be closed behind them, with no change made to their position.
Addendum: Interviews with security personnel stationed at Site-106 have revealed that the presence of SCP-921 was reported as far back as ████, although no formal documentation is available to confirm this.
Interviewed: Lieutenant ██████, stationed at Site-106
Interviewer: Doctor ██████, stationed at Site-106
Foreword: During routine maintenance, Doctor ██████ momentarily stepped outside of SCP-921, and upon returning to the room discovered that no longer had a physical form.
Doctor ██████: That's odd. I can't seem to find any trace of my physical form.
Lieutenant ██████: Yeah, it's weird. Thought you said you could see something out there?
Doctor ██████: Well, I can't exactly see anything in here, so I suppose that makes sense.
Lieutenant ██████: Weird. It's like your body is still sitting on the other side. You're stuck in here, mate.
Doctor ██████: Yes…but how is that possible? I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but I'm not sure what else to say.
Lieutenant ██████: Well, maybe you just need some time to let it sink in. You're probably still in shock over what happened, right? Take your time to think about it, okay?
Closing Statement: The interview was terminated when doorways began to close and reopen several times during the conversation. Security personnel were unable to force them open.