
Picture of SCP-924.

Item #: SCP-924

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-924 is located in a containment locker in Site-56's Safe SCP-Classified Item Storage Wing. The containment locker is to be kept at room temperature and humidity levels of 80% and 50%, respectively. All original comics in SCP-924 are to be removed from their original envelopes, placed inside appropriate clear plastic sleeves, and stored with the object.

No research on this object is to be conducted unless specifically authorized by Drs. ████████ and ████████.

Description: SCP-924 is an envelope of approximately fifty (50) copies of a comic book titled "Comix City". The comic book is itself unremarkable in appearance, with the exception of a handwritten address label on the back cover. All copies of SCP-924 have been extensively examined and contain no signs of tampering.

When opened and held over a non-combustible surface, copies of SCP-924 spontaneously combust at a rate of approximately one copy per second (1:00). Instances of SCP-924 have been observed to come into contact with air under normal atmospheric conditions. After incineration, the ashes produced by these instances contain a single printed title screen from the comic book. No other text or imagery has been produced thus far.

Addendum: Incident 924-A:

On ██/██/██, researcher ███████ was assigned to examine copies of SCP-924. After opening a copy of the comic book, researcher ███████ placed the object onto a nearby piece of paper. The paper spontaneously combusted at its original speed of one copy per second (1:00). Upon further examination, it was discovered that the paper's original content was also a copy of SCP-924. All other copies of SCP-924 in the containment locker spontaneously combusted in a similar manner.

Upon being informed of this incident, Drs. ████████ and ████████ conducted an investigation into the possibility of the existence of additional copies of SCP-924. Digital copies of the contents of all original copies were examined, and no additional copies were found.