Picture of SCP-930.
Item #: SCP-930
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-930 is to be kept in a secure locker in the Site-19 armory. Any personnel wishing to set foot in the containment chamber are to be briefed on the object's anomalous properties and remain in safe proximity at all times. In the event that SCP-930 is used for any manner of testing, precautions must be made to prevent its escape and presentation of said results to the public.
Description: SCP-930 is a helium filled, white, rubberized balloon with a circumference of approximately 5 m. SCP-930 is composed of two sections; a gray interior and an exterior made of a yellow latex paint. The latex paint has apparently been applied in strips and is continuously being torn off at the seams. On the outside, several markings are present:
The purpose of these markings is currently unknown, though it is theorized that they were created by one or more individuals prior to its containment. SCP-930's volume was measured at 4.6 m after it was inflated using air in containment chamber 824 (see Incident Report). The interior of SCP-930 is composed mostly of what appears to be random pieces of paper, dried out clothing and a partial plastic toy car. Besides this, there is little notable data on the object aside from what can be gathered visually.
After being used on five separate occasions since being discovered on ██/██/19██, SCP-930 has shown itself to be highly adaptable and cooperative when utilized by Foundation personnel. It has demonstrated a dislike for being deflated and reacted violently prior to its rediscovery when interrupted during inflation.
Addendum: Location of SCP-930's first recorded usage is unknown, though it is hypothesized that it may have been used on an individual attempting to leave the continental United States. The individual in question was of Caucasian descent and is presumed deceased.
The following describes the object's use in containment on ██/██/██:
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-930 has been allowed to inflate in its containment chamber, with monitoring personnel present outside. All personnel entering the containment chamber are to be briefed on the object's anomalous properties, and are to remain at a safe distance from SCP-930 at all times. Any personnel not on duty must be accompanied by a Level 4 researcher. It is highly recommended that personnel do not attempt to inflate SCP-930 themselves, as this could lead to its escape.
In order to prevent accidental deflation of SCP-930, any personnel wishing to deflate the object must make the decision to do so themselves. All deflations must take place in the containment chamber, and any deflation attempts made by other personnel must be met with resistance from the object.
Description: SCP-930 is a white, helium filled balloon with a circumference of approximately 5\xa0m, composed of two sections; a gray interior and an exterior made of a yellow latex paint. The latex paint has apparently been applied in strips and is continuously being torn off at the seams. On the outside, several markings are present:
The purpose of these markings is currently unknown, though it is theorized that they were created by one or more individuals prior to its containment. SCP-930's volume was measured at 4.6\xa0m after it was inflated using air in containment chamber 824 (see Incident Report). The interior of SCP-930 is composed mostly of what appears to be random pieces of paper, dried out clothing and a partial plastic toy car. Besides this, there is little notable data on the object aside from what can be gathered visually.