
Picture of SCP-936.

Item #: SCP-936

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-936 is to be kept in a secure storage locker located within the Site-17 library. A copy of the book "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" is to be kept within this facility as well. Any Foundation personnel handling these objects are to be briefed on the nature of their anomalous properties.

Description: SCP-936 is a black unlined leather-bound book measuring approximately 10 cm x 14 cm in size. The title of the book is "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". It is written in English, with an unknown author listed as "A Wizard". The book contains a picture on its cover depicting a young girl wearing a red dress, holding onto a large house. A caption appears below the image stating, "A wonderful wizard and his lovely wife live in this house. They're always very kind and helpful to their friends." This picture has been blurred out, with three blank pages appearing between the front and back covers.

When opened, the book will contain an excerpt from "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", where the initial paragraph opens up to show a young girl sitting by herself, playing on a green-colored playground equipment. The following paragraph describes her playing on this equipment and becoming worried over being stuck in one place while trying to enjoy herself. A footnote appears in the center of the page stating that it was written by "The Kitten", who was later revealed to be SCP-936.

When read through normally, the excerpt will continue until an end has been reached. Due to its anomalous properties, the book can be read backwards or forwards through time as desired by the reader. Though each reader will have their own experience according to body movements, words stored within SCP-936 are uniform when read through.

If read through backwards or forwards however, readers will instead begin watching their actions repeat themselves for hours upon hours before ending up back at their original point in time.

Addendum SCP-936-1: On 07/08/1986, the Foundation was contacted by the owner of a book store in Omaha, Nebraska, who explained that his bookstore had been broken into and all of his books were stolen. In the process of reporting this incident, he said that one book in particular was missing. The store owner then proceeded to describe that book, which was described as being a \'wizard book\', but with a bigger title. The description matched the description of SCP-936.

When interviewed, the store owner stated that no one in his family could read English very well, so he attempted reading through a copy of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" to see if anyone could understand what it was about. The following transcript has been taken from the interview.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Mr. Finnegan.

Interviewee: Oh no problem.

Interviewer: Can you tell me how you came by this book?

Interviewee: Well, I figured it\'d be something for my kids and grandkids to read, so I went out and bought it for them. I mean, it\'s got a good story to it and all.

Interviewer: That\'s good to hear. What was your reaction when you saw its title?

Interviewee: It\'s a Wizard book? How about that? I figured it\'d be more like Harry Potter or something.

Interviewee: It was pretty cool though. I mean, when I read through it I felt like there was something funny going on or something, but I didn\'t really get it at first. But then I realized that when I read it forwards and backwards, there were like these doors everywhere where they opened and closed without me knowing why.

Interviewer: And how did the experience end up?

Interviewee: Well, I guess they had a sale on the items they didn\'t want, so I ended up getting a bunch of other things as well. My family ended up having a pretty good Christmas that year after all.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Mr. Finnegan.