
Picture of SCP-940.

Item #: SCP-940

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-940 is currently contained in a single-story, 15 m x 5.5 m containment cell at Site-78. Due to the nature of SCP-940's anomalous properties, testing with SCP-940 requires authorization by Level 4 personnel.

During testing, SCP-940 is located in a sealed containment cell and no non-classified incursions into its containment cell are allowed; when testing is complete, all objects removed from SCP-940 (as well as a sample of SCP-940 itself) must be stored in standard quarantine until the testing is complete. Tests should take no less than four hours, and no more than eight weeks. All objects removed from SCP-940 must be returned to it upon completion of the test.

Description: SCP-940 is a large 1973 Fordson Tractor. Aside from its anomalous properties, SCP-940 appears to have been structurally sound during the time of its containment.

SCP-940's anomalous properties manifest when it comes into contact with a non-living organism (hereafter referred to as an "SCP object"). As long as at least one SCP object is in contact with SCP-940, it will display a basic knowledge of agriculture.

Close examination of SCP-940's front grill has revealed several letters scratched onto the surface, but no words have yet been deciphered. It is theorized that the word "harvest" is present somewhere on the interior of SCP-940. The only way to determine this is to extract parts of the vehicle.

When multiple SCP objects are in contact with SCP-940, it will display even greater knowledge and understanding of agriculturally relevant topics. It has also been observed that SCP-940 will actively seek out new SCP objects to insert itself into and bring into contact with, regardless of its size or shape.

Currently, there are approximately ████ objects inserted into SCP-940. Most are small clay coffee mugs, but several larger boulders have also been found in the center of SCP-940's front grill; these SCP objects will not react correctly to being placed on top of them.

Addendum: Testing Log:

Testing log of SCP-940's properties.

Date: ██/██/19██

Subject: SCP-940, a large 1973 Fordson Tractor

Procedure: SCP-940 was placed in a containment cell with a single SCP object, a small coffee mug. SCP-940 displayed no anomalous properties until contact was made with the SCP object.

Results: SCP-940 displayed knowledge of the agricultural needs of coffee plants and the proper way to harvest coffee beans. It was transferred to a different containment cell, and a new SCP object was placed on top of it.

Date: ██/██/19██

Subject: SCP-940, a large 1973 Fordson Tractor

Procedure: Same as previous test.

Results: Same as previous test.

Date: ██/██/19██

Subject: SCP-940, a large 1973 Fordson Tractor

Procedure: Same as previous test.

Results: Same as previous test.

Date: ██/██/19██

Subject: SCP-940, a large 1973 Fordson Tractor

Procedure: Same as previous test.

Results: Same as previous test.

Date: ██/██/19██

Subject: SCP-940, a large 1973 Fordson Tractor

Procedure: Same as previous test.

Results: Same as previous test.

Date: ██/██/19██

Subject: SCP-940, a large 1973 Fordson Tractor[1]

Procedure: SCP-940 is moved to a different containment cell. Inside, several SCP objects have been placed directly onto the front grill of SCP-940, which then begins displaying abnormal behavior, and displays knowledge of the agricultural needs of various types of plants. This process repeats several times throughout the day and night; each time, the number of SCP objects placed on it increases exponentially. By the following morning, approximately ██% of the surface area of the front grill has been covered with different types of organic matter (see Addendum). All remaining SCP objects are removed and stored in standard quarantine until further notice.