Picture of SCP-942.
Item #: SCP-942
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-942 is to be stored in a steel container within Site-██'s Safe SCP Object Wing. Any personnel who wish to experience SCP-942 are to wear full body protection, and have their hands sterilized prior to the experiment through a decontamination procedure.
Description: SCP-942 is an octahedron with a height of 10 cm, width of 7 cm, and depth of 2 cm. The sides of SCP-942 appear to be made of some type of glassy substance, though the exact composition is unknown.
When any object other than another SCP-942 object is placed inside SCP-942, it will transform into some form of polyhedral solid material. So far, this has only been observed in the shape of a cube or octahedron; however, the polyhedral objects created by SCP-942 are suspected to have a wider variation in shape and size than normal polyhedral solids. If placed into an environment compromised by heat or strong gravity for a prolonged period of time, the polyhedral material will undergo sharp changes in shape and appearance until it has become more conducive to survival.
SCP-942 was recovered from ██████ after several persons began having hallucinations of being inside a large structure resembling a geodesic dome. The structure revealed itself to be the interior of SCP-942 after one person began attempting to remove the cover from SCP-942. The cover was locked onto the object using unknown mechanical means. After removing the cover, all persons felt themselves [DATA EXPUNGED]. When removed from SCP-942, they all reported feeling extremely fatigued as if they had been running up a very long flight of stairs.
Addendum: SCP-942 was originally recovered from ██████, where several people were reported to have been missing. Approximately forty-eight hours after a Foundation liaison had been dispatched to the town, the missing persons reappeared in the town's ██████ High School. When interviewed, all of them reported an extremely vivid memory of being inside SCP-942, along with the sensation of being very tired.