Picture of SCP-943.
Item #: SCP-943
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-943 is kept in a standard containment locker at Site-43. Any requests for images or footage of SCP-943 are to be sent through the proper channels.
Description: SCP-943 is a US Air Force F-16 Fighter Jet, which has been modified to resemble an Ancient Assyrian winged bull statuette from around 2300 BCE. The plane's paint scheme has been altered to resemble the winged bull; the plane's side has been painted with miniature scale miniatures of the animal. A religious symbol is painted on each wing, whose alignment matches that of the sun. An inscription in cuneiform, matching the same language used in early Mesopotamian carvings, covers the plane's body and can be seen when it is removed.
In air-to-air combat, SCP-943 has displayed capabilities that far surpass those of any other single-seat fighter jet in US military service. For example:
SCP-943 will travel to any destination whenever commanded by one of its pilots (both active duty and retired). SCP-943 does not require replenishment with fuel or ammunition, despite being armed for combat. In fact, its pilots have no control over the plane whatsoever — it will only stop following its pilot on command.
When engaged by an enemy plane, SCP-943 will isolate its target— usually a pilot— and disorient them via anomalous means, before then destroying its target in tandem with said pilot. SCP-943 possesses a high degree of intelligence, and will follow certain flight patterns to maximize damage against specific targets.
The standard cockpit plaque appears to indicate that both pilots were killed in flight testing prior to the introduction into service; however, both remain alive within the plane itself at all times. Both pilots are reincarnated into new planes after death each time their planes are destroyed; however, their names remain unchanged between lives.
Addendum 943-1: Testing Log
Test 1: SCP-943 was directed to fly behind a civilian airliner, in order to observe the plane's reaction to the sudden appearance of an unknown aircraft. The civilian airliner did not react in any way, and was not even aware of SCP-943's presence.
Test 2: SCP-943 was engaged by a single-seat F-16A Starfighter piloted by Agent ██████. After several minutes, SCP-943 was defeated and forced to retreat; however, its pilot was still alive and unhurt. Shortly after this, the plane regenerated into a new form and continued fighting.
Test 3: SCP-943 was directed to engage a US Air Force B-1 Lancer bomber. After approximately 12 minutes, SCP-943 was defeated and forced to retreat; however, its pilot was still alive and unhurt. Shortly after this, the plane regenerated into a new form and continued fighting.
Test 4: SCP-943 was directed to fly behind a civilian airliner, in order to observe the plane's reaction to the sudden appearance of an unknown aircraft. The civilian airliner did not react in any way, and was not even aware of SCP-943's presence.
Test 5: A two-seater TARPS (Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance Pod System) drone was flown by Agent ██████. After approximately 40 minutes, the drone crashed due to mechanical failure. The drone did not seem damaged until it was taken out of the air by SCP-943's pilots in order to disable it — which caused it to malfunction and crash into the ocean.
Test 6: SCP-943 was directed to engage a single-seater F-22 Raptor jet fighter jet piloted by Agent ██████. After approximately 24 minutes, neither pilot exhibited any signs of injury or damage to their craft; however, as SCP-943 made its escape, it was intercepted by a Predator drone from a nearby military base. Both pilots were then attacked and killed by a missile launched from the Predator drone; both pilots appeared unaffected by this attack.
Test 7: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to excessive damage inflicted on their craft, both pilots died before regenerating into new planes and continuing fighting. However, their names remained unchanged between lives.