Picture of SCP-944.
Item #: SCP-944
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-944 is kept in a refrigerated storage locker in the Site-19 animal quarantine facility. Staff who will be exposed to SCP-944 are not to eat any animal products or feed that has been drawn from outside of the facility for the duration of their stay.
Description: SCP-944 is a single piece of flesh, approximately 1 meter long and 3 cm wide. SCP-944 is perishable and will begin to rot at roughly 35 degrees Celsius regardless of the surrounding temperature.
SCP-944's anomalous quality is expressed most strongly when it is directly connected to the circulatory system of another animal. When such a connection is established, SCP-944 will immediately degenerate into a series of strips of varying thickness and material that are individually capable of supporting the life processes of an adult human.
When this occurs, the strips will proceed to eject from the new host's circulatory system as normal and make their way toward the nearest piece of raw meat, alive or otherwise. In time, if no new connections are made to other pieces of meat, these strips will reunite with SCP-944 and produce a new instance thereof.
The exact nature of how these pieces recall their original form is currently unknown.
Addendum 944-1: SCP-944 was recovered from the home of one William █████ following a series of murders in ████████, ██. The victim's remains were found in the living room, each with a strip of SCP-944 attached to their chest cavity. The victim's daughter, Rebecca ███████, was found dead in her bedroom, having been impaled through the chest with a [REDACTED] iron rod.