Picture of SCP-945.
Item #: SCP-945
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-945 is to be kept in a standard containment chamber. SCP-945 is to be fed with 500g of corn and water daily, as well as one (1) egg every two weeks. While SCP-945's containment chamber may not be entered without level four security clearance or higher, a remote camera is to monitor the object at all times to ensure it is fed and unharmed.
For any reason that could seriously threaten the continuance of the universe, all personnel are to evacuate the area, and wait for further instruction or advice from on high.
Description: SCP-945 is a brown and black male Himalayan cat (Felis bengalensis) that weighs twenty-five kilograms. SCP-945 is highly intelligent and is capable of speech, though his natural instinct means he will rarely vocalize.
SCP-945 has demonstrated the ability to alter reality to work towards its own ends; see Incident Report 945-1 for details.
Addendum 945-1: Incident Report 945-1
For a period of eight months, SCP-945 was unable to be fed. Immediately following this period, the area around SCP-945's containment chamber was filled with a large number of floorboards, loosely fitted together and with no discernible function. The boards were glued together and could not be removed without separating them, instead sliding across the floor as if pushed by an unseen force.
As the area was cleared of the boards, it was found that they had been 'carpentered' together, each made to appear as if it had been there for a long period of time. Scratches on the wood suggested that it had been placed there by use of claws. This particular board was also covered in an unknown substance; inspection revealed it to be some kind of wax, with a strong odor that resulted in all personnel being treated for nausea at the time.
SCP-945 had meanwhile been found to have moved into a small room off of its containment chamber. The door to this room was locked from the outside and it appeared to have been constructed from wood harvested from the surrounding woods. As the area was cleared and SCP-945 moved into its new quarters, one of the walls seemed to melt away along with the rest of the room. As this new space was not secured in any way and could be entered by SCP-945, its contents were inspected.
The room contained nothing but an old bed frame with a mattress, a small toilet, and a small chest of drawers. The contents of the chest included an old copy of 'The Price is Right' board game, some assorted junk food and other miscellaneous items.
A further examination of the area revealed only one exit; this door led to the woods surrounding SCP-945's containment chamber. A note was found nailed to this door, written in what appeared to be blood. The note read:
I'm going now
I'll see you soon