Picture of SCP-946.
Item #: SCP-946
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-946 is to be kept in a 4 cm (1:1) scale model of its natural habitat, the latitude of its presumed origin. It has been found that placing this model in an environment with a temperature of 21 °C and relative humidity of 50% has entirely eradicated its anomalous properties. A non-anomalous rubber ball is to be used for testing purposes.
Description: SCP-946 is the cryptid known as the "Secret Ball Runs Wolf" or "eelwolf" in the language of those native to the region through which it travels. SCP-946 appears to be a small pet eel, approximately 1.5 cm (0.6 in) long and 0.3 cm (µs) thick, which produces and uses an anomalous amount of water vapour from its body to propel itself at speeds up to 200 kph (approximately 109 mph). SCP-946's mechanisms for producing this vapour have not been determined yet.
SCP-946 has been found to be wildly popular among hikers, naturalists, and the elderly in regions such as Japan, South Korea, China and Russia, with reports of people attempting to capture it being unusually common. It is unknown whether SCP-946 will be able to maintain these rates of success indefinitely. However, on January 14th 1995 six hikers attempted to capture SCP-946 in its native habitat, east of Sapporo City. One hiker sustained serious injuries when SCP-946 knocked him into a nearby river; the other five were uninjured. A Japanese news report found on the Internet in mid 2001 shows footage of the encounter between SCP-946 and the hikers.
Addendum 946-1: On the 14th of January 1995, a group of hikers in Hokkaido, Japan found themselves suddenly surrounded by a large number of SCP-946s. The group was forced to take shelter in a cave, where they were maintained by a small river and an underground stream. They were provided with enough food and water to sustain them until the end of the month.
On the 25th of February, the hikers located an entrance to SCP-946\'s cave system and proceeded to explore it. A full month later (April 1st) they found SCP-946 in its natural habitat, at which point they returned to their home.
In September 1995, Dr. ██████, who had been working at the nearby Kizimenho University, told the university\'s campus police of his discovery. Upon visiting SCP-946\'s cave system Dr. ██████ discovered that it had been occupied for one month earlier. A note was found inside the entrance to the cave, which read "Please do not disturb us".
The following is a transcript of the note: