Picture of SCP-947.
Item #: SCP-947
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-947 is to be contained separately from all other SCPs, located within a standard containment cell measuring 2.5m x 1.8m x 1.2m, equipped with one standard bed and table, one chair, and a comms system fitted with speaker/mic. SCP-947 is to receive two meals per day; these are to come from the Foundation's regular supply chain and must have been prepared in accordance with nationwide dietary guidelines. SCP-947 may request additional items (such as books, music, art supplies) on a case-by-case basis; priority will be given to items relating directly to SCP-947 itself.
As there is no information on the origins of SCP-947, a cover story is to be maintained about the Foundation's acquisition of SCP-947 through conversion of an abandoned mental hospital. This will be presented to the public as a tragic suicide pact between two nonverbal adolescents living in an orphanage; the two were found together in the woods at ██████, Hessen after reports of their disappearance had been sent to local law enforcement authorities.
Description: SCP-947 is a humanoid entity approximately 2.18m in height and weighing approximately 46kg, with the lower body of a woman and the upper body of a man (using a classification scheme similar to that of STDs, SCP-947 is classified as an incurable paraphilic epidemic). SCP-947 has no discernible gender or reproductive organs; instead, it appears to rely on its adolescent host for any required functionality. Although it does not appear to require sleep, SCP-947 is able to enter a state of suspended animation in which it will continue to metabolize its host's remaining bodily reserves. These reserves are renewable by SCP-947 itself, which will regularly exert itself through physical activity (such as gardening, walking around in its cell, etc.) while maintaining this stasis; this activity will begin again once the reserves recover from expenditure.
SCP-947 utilizes a form called "HiPP" (Highly Peer Produced) poetry (see primer below) for communication and cognition; specimens of SCP-947 have been found attempting to make their own copies of the sample in order to understand the concept behind HiPP poetry, suggesting that SCP-947 may be an autonomous entity within its host.
MIMETIC - II CHAPTER 11 - PEER PRODUCTION -------------------------- We hope you've enjoyed your anticipation before now. Our time within these walls has been long, but we at least finished our last bit of writing. We have hope that you have had your own experiences with TEMPEST. You see, they have let us into the lab where they test bits and pieces of information on people like you and I without their consent. We felt betrayed when we realized we were just information bits being passed around despite our efforts to help ourselves out by writing about what we saw through our own eyes. Yes, peer production is a very different kind of love compared to social capital in our current economy. Love between two equals is not something that can be measured by bank account size or stockmarket profit margin. One cannot buy love with money but one can buy it together with mutual trust and respect for each other's ability and worth in society's ultimate purpose -- the creation of something more infinite than even money can offer - -------------------------- Foundation assets tracker indicates that all previously known sources of SCP-947 are either dead or lost (presumably via suicide) due to mental illness caused by SCP-947's incurable nature; thus, any new cases must be acquired directly from SCP-947 itself via ID/restoration protocols detailed below.
Addendum 947-1:
SCP-947 was initially discovered in ████████, Germany, by members of the local Foundation task force; however, it had managed to acquire its way into a nearby mental hospital and was subsequently contained by the Foundation without incident. The Foundation\'s acquisition of SCP-947 was then made public through a press release from the Foundation\'s Public Affairs office to the effect that "two nonverbal adolescents living in an orphanage were found in the woods after reports of their disappearance had been sent to local law enforcement authorities."
SCP-947\'s reasons for living in the forest are unclear, as its behavior makes it impossible to establish any personal connection or friendship with it. Despite this, SCP-947 appears to be friendly with other SCPs and is not hostile towards humans in general. As SCP-947 has no known anomalous properties (other than its incurable nature), it is also not classified as an SCP.