Picture of SCP-949.
Item #: SCP-949
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-949 is currently contained in a secured containment chamber, located in Site-██. In the event of an emergency, all personnel participating in the removal or destruction of SCP-949 are to be Class A amnesticized and kept sedated until return to the site.
No items created by SCP-949 have been produced as of yet. The Foundation has carried out extensive research on creating a non-anomalous equivalent, with several candidates being submitted for testing.
Description: SCP-949 is a woman, in her 30s or 40s, between 1.8 and 2 meters, who possesses the anomalous qualities of a non-anomalous human female. As such, she is capable of reproduction and has experienced menses and pregnancy. However, SCP-949 possesses the ability to spontaneously produce a non-anomalous human male, who is identical to standard samples of the species Homo sapiens sapiens.
SCP-949 is also able to create a substance which appears to have human DNA, but has ██████ as its base structure. When administered to a living organism, this "placenta" rapidly metabolizes whatever nutrients it contains into ██ ████████████ (██ ████████ D) within 8 seconds and rapidly absorbs all fluids from whatever organism it is placed in. This process successfully creates a living human male with genetic material identical to that possessed by SCP-949.
Approximately 15 minutes after SCP-949 produces this "placenta", it will begin to bond with any nearby humans, forming an additional anomalous organ within their bodies. After approximately 10 hours of this process occurring, the placenta will undergo what appears to be partial necrosis around the time of the subject's birth. The placenta will then dissolve into nothing over the course of 72 hours, leaving no evidence that it was ever present in their body.
The child produced by SCP-949 manifests itself in a location outside of the umbilical cord's effective range, between 50 meters and 200 kilometers depending on atmospheric conditions (approximately 80% accuracy). This location resembles that of an abandoned building or rural home. During this period, no sensory input can be detected by all sighted observers (including those using long range imaging devices).
After 2 weeks following the birth and disappearance of any placenta attached to them, these subjects will manifest secondary anomalous properties similar to those possessed by SCP-949 herself:
Additional Notes: Due to the large number of subjects produced by SCP-949's method of propagation, testing for extra features has been limited until further notice.
Addendum SCP-949-1: Testing Log
Testing began on 12/10/1993, when a pair of livestock were placed into a large containment chamber.
Identical twins were observed to be born from the placenta, and were designated as SCP-949-1. The subjects appeared to be in a stage of development corresponding to that of an infant male, between 2 and 3 months old.
Following the birth of the first subject, the "mother" was removed from the chamber, and replaced with a second identical human female. The placenta attached to this second subject immediately detached itself and began the process of bonding with it.
SCP-949-1 displayed no change in behavior until it was four months old. At this point, it began to display anomalous behaviors in accordance with SCP-949\'s secondary traits. After four weeks, it began displaying an interest in females and attempted to bond with females through a complex ritual involving prostrating themselves before them.
Test A was performed in order to determine whether or not SCP-949-1 would have any anomalous properties related to "passing". In this test, female D-class personnel were instructed to approach SCP-949-1, who responded by surrendering its placenta to them, and then offering one of their breasts for nursing.
Subjects showed no sign of physical discomfort while nursing or exhibiting sexual arousal. Following the conclusion of this test, the placenta returned back to SCP-949-1 without incident.